Judge Strikes Down Ky Health Initiative

Kentucky's effort to revamp Medicaid and incentivize benefits has been struck down by a federal judge. Now, some in the news media are saying its heartless for the governor to cut dental and vision coverage in response. One story implies that children are being...

Ky Workforce Participation Dropping

Kentucky's workforce participation rate is low. In fact, it's so low that we will need to employ 165,000 Kentuckians just to get to the national average according to a report commissioned last year by the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. Workforce participation...

Federal School Safety

The Federal Commission on School Safety met in Lexington last week and took questions from the public about keeping our kids safe in the public schools. U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Gov. Matt Bevin participated in the event where he called school violence...

Supreme Court Fight Shaping Up

The battle over the next U.S. Supreme Court nominee is on. This is because of the incredible power of the court and impact it has on the direction of our nation. The Supreme Court has become a catalyst for social change and much of it has been highly controversial....

Kentucky Updating Voter Rolls

Kentucky has out of date voter rolls.  This means that the rolls of registered voters contain the names of the deceased and people who've moved out of state. So the State Board of Elections is sending out verification cards to some 600,000 registered voters....

Free Speech Upheld by SCOTUS

There's some good news for free speech. The Supreme Court struck down a California law that forced pro-life pregnancy care centers to post signs that promote abortion. This essentially made pro-life centers government mouthpieces for a message they didn't just...

Happy Independence Day!

242 years ago, we declared our independence from England when 56 men came together in Philadelphia to sign their names to one of the greatest political documents ever written. The Declaration of Independence explained why the colonies were separating from Britain. The...

Trump Travel Ban Upheld

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld President Trump's travel ban.  The restrictions were issued out of national security concerns. Travelers from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya were restricted from entering our nation. This is because those nations either...

Calling out Incivility

We live in a divisive time where too many people seem to be on the edge of anger. But the last people you'd expect to contribute to the fray are our leaders. California Congresswoman Maxine Waters told a group that “If you see anybody from [Pres....

Financial Literacy

A new state law requires financial literacy education for Kentucky students According to the U.S. Federal Reserve and Census Bureau, American households owe an average of $16,425 in credit card debt. The average college grad today has $37,172 in student loans....

Facebook Censorship

Conservatives have been complaining that Facebook is boxing them out. The latest example comes from Dr. Robert A.J. Gagnon, a New Testament professor at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Gagnon criticized a pro-LGBT video targeting young children.  Gagnon said...

Suicide on the Rise

The sudden deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain shocked many. Both were well-known public figures and at the top of their respective fields. Spade was a top fashion designer. Bourdain was a celebrity chef and travel guru. Both were viewed as arriving at the...

Separating Parents and Children

Parents and children are being separated at our Southern border. The images are heart wrenching. One shows a 2-year-old Honduran girl crying as her mother is frisked by Border Patrol agent. Critics lay blame at the feet of Republicans. However, the policy of...

Pension Reform Struck Down

Remember the howls of protest over the pension reform bill back in the spring? The bill put new teachers into a hybrid retirement plan and stopped the accumulation of sick days that could be used for retirement. This was done in order to save the system which is going...

SCOTUS Rules for Integrity of Voter Rolls

The Supreme Court issued a ruling that allows states to update its voter rolls. But some are saying that it will disenfranchise voters. At issue is an Ohio law intended to make sure that their voter rolls are updated. It's a six year process where if a voter...

LGBTQ Intolerance

The CEO of Twitter got a taste of what shaming is like on social media. Last week Jack Dorsey tweeted that he was at Chick-fil-A and shared a screenshot of the savings by using their mobile app. The criticism was fast and furious.  Dorsey quickly issued an...

UK Raising Tuition

If you're a college student and planning to attend the University of Kentucky this year, be ready to dig a little deeper into your pocket to pay the bill. Tuition is increasing by 2.5 percent bringing annual tuition to $12,000 a year. This doesn't include room...

UK Raising Tuition

If you're a college student and planning to attend the University of Kentucky this year, be ready to dig a little deeper into your pocket to pay the bill. Tuition is increasing by 2.5 percent bringing annual tuition to $12,000 a year. This doesn't include room...

Trump Brokers Deal

President Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong-un met in a historic summit last week where Kim signed a pledge committing to “complete denuclearization”. Trump said “We are prepared to start a new history and … to write a new chapter between...