Cameron Punches Back

The latest attack on Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron came on Saturday Night Live when rapper Megan Thee Stallion played an audio recording of activist Tamika Mallory saying, “Daniel Cameron is no different than the sellout Negroes that sold our people into...

Constitutional Amendment Hurts Judicial Accountability

There are two constitutional amendments on Kentucky’s November 3rd ballot. One proposes to increase the term of District Court Judges from four years to eight years and the term of Commonwealth’s Attorneys from six years to eight years. It would also increase...

Marcy’s Law On the Ballot Again

There are two constitutional amendments on the November 3rd ballot. Marcy’s Law is one named after murdered California college student Marcy Nicholas. It would grant constitutional protections to victims of crime. Notably, the right to be notified of all court...

Trump Issues Born Alive Executive Order

Pres. Trump issued an executive order protecting tiny infants who survive an abortion. It’s called the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and unfortunately failed to pass Congress earlier this year. In response, Trump signed an Executive Order to protect the most...

Supreme Court Nominee’s Faith Under Scrutiny

Amy Coney Barrett is being attacked for her deep faith but it’s not the first time. During Barrett’s confirmation process to the 7th U.S. District Court in 2017, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) quipped “…when you read your speeches, the conclusion is the...

Supreme Court Strikes Blow Against Casino Gambling

The Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the slot-like machines Kentucky horse tracks call historical horse racing fail to meet the definition of pari-mutuel wagering. This ruling overturns a Franklin Circuit Judge, who authorized the gambling devices in 2018. The...

Conservatives for Kentucky Convention

The election is just a month away and the Commonwealth Policy Center is hosting a special convention tonight called Conservatives for Kentucky. It will air on TV stations across the state and feature conservative leaders like Attorney General Daniel Cameron and State...

Louisville Officers Shot

Violent protests erupted in Louisville after a Grand Jury didn’t implicate police officers involved with the Breonna Taylor shooting. Two officers were shot by a vigilante. One was white and one was black. The criminal probably didn’t know that the white...

Sarsour Calls for Uprising

Muslim Activist Linda Sarsour Tweeted “Justice has NOT been served…Rise UP. All across this country. Everywhere. Rise up for #BreonnaTaylor.” Sarsour’s Tweet was in response to the Grand Jury finding that the police acted in self-defense when fired upon by...

Grand Jury Absolves Police in Taylor Shooting

The facts are in from a Louisville Grand Jury in the Breonna Taylor case. They exonerated police in her tragic death and said the use of force was justified self-defense after they were fired upon by Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend. The Grand Jury verdict...

Time Magazine’s Bias

The headline over at Time Magazine says “Trump Allies Hint at Political Violence Around the Election.” It focuses on Roger Stone and lower-level political operatives and their brash and unhelpful comments about what will happen if Trump’s not...

“1776 Unites” Project

It’s in vogue to criticize America and highlight all its shortcomings. This is what grievance peddlers do. But a new project called “1776 Unites” combats victimhood culture and tells the stories of black Americans who’ve done well by embracing America’s...

Facebook Censorship

A group called the American Principles Project is running a political ad in a Michigan Senate race that highlights the unfairness of boys competing in girls’ sports. Most would agree that this is unfair to girls’ sports. But the ad was pulled by Facebook....

Louisville Awards Breonna Taylor’s Family $12 Million

The city of Louisville announced that its awarding $12 million to Breonna Taylor’s family for a wrongful death lawsuit filed earlier in the year. Breonna was shot by police after they issued a no-knock warrant last March. As part of the settlement, the city of...

Casino Coming to Oak Grove

The ad in the Cadiz Record says “A Whole Lotta Vegas Action – Minus the Flight.” Oak Grove Racing, Gaming, Hotel. So Vegas. So Close.” This is quite different from what we were told a few years ago, which was that Kentucky’s Horse...

Louisville Proposes Ban on Conversation Therapy

Should professionals be allowed to counsel minors who are struggling with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria to embrace their born gender and heterosexuality? If a committee of Louisville Metro Council has its way, the answer is no. Councilman Bill Hollander...

The Things That Matter

This election is one of the most divisive we’ve ever seen. Add in coronavirus and rioting and looting in some of our major cities and it makes it an even more challenging season. Already tough conversations about who will best lead our nation have become...

Vote Fraud by Mail

The election is nearly here and Kentuckians can request to receive a ballot in the mail. But there’s still an ongoing debate over the possibility of voter fraud. Most mainstream news outlets downplay the possibility of voter fraud but this defies the logic that...

Trump Promises School Choice to Every Parent

School choice has been a hot topic in Kentucky. Now it’s a hot topic in the presidential race as Donald Trump promised that if re-elected, he would make school choice available to every family in America. The idea is that parents know what’s best for their...