Veterans Day

Today is Veteran’s Day. It was originally known as Armistice Day which marked the silencing of the guns of WWI on November 11, 1918. Now we honor all our veterans who’ve ever served in our armed forces. National defense may be something we take for granted but in a...

Kentucky Attorney General Set to Defend Religious Freedom

Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman is defending the right of a Catholic group in Kenton County to build a shrine on its own property. The Catholic group received approval to build the shrine, but now they’re facing a lawsuit from unhappy neighbors. A lower...

The Importance of the Electoral College

The framers of the U.S. Constitution set up an electoral college system to elect the President. The electoral college ensures that every state plays an important role and isn't neglected in national politics. But Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is calling for the...

2024 Life Is More Than Politics

The elections are behind us and many of you are probably very glad since you’re no longer subjected to continual negative ads. Regardless of how your favored candidates did, it’s important to be reminded that elections aren’t everything. Good leaders and good laws are...

Election Day 2024

Election Day is finally here. If you haven’t voted yet, you have until 6:00 pm today to do so. Many Americans are frustrated with the candidates for president and are refusing to vote. But this is no reason to neglect our civic duty. There are many other important...

Election Officials Bracing for Violence

Election officials in battleground states are preparing for threats of violence tomorrow as America goes to the polls to elect our next President. Bullet-proof glass and barbed wire fencing now surrounds some ballot-counting facilities and election offices. Election...

Puberty Blocker Study Suppressed Because of Politics

The National Institutes of Health funded a study in 2015, to see whether puberty blockers improved the mental health of children who identify as transgender. Before treatment, one quarter were depressed and suicidal. After taking puberty blockers the study found that...

2024 Early Voting Begins Today

Early voting begins today. Polls are also open tomorrow, and Saturday. Some may hesitate to vote early, and that’s understandable. But early voting is here to stay, and there are many advantages. Come election day you might be sick, trapped in bad weather, or busy at...

Majority of Christians View Pornography

A new Barna study revealed that over half of Christians view pornography. And over 60% of them feel comfortable with it. Sex is a gift from God within the covenant of marriage. But pornography feeds lust and sexual activity outside of marriage. Studies have shown that...

Kentucky AG Coleman To Prosecute Some Gun Crimes in Louisville

Attorney General Russell Coleman will now be responsible for prosecuting a select number of gun crimes in Louisville. The goal is to effectively keep violent offenders off the streets of Kentucky’s largest city. In Louisville, homicides are up 5% since last year. This...
