Vaccines Coming to KY

There’s good news for Kentucky in our battle against coronavirus. The first approved vaccines will be arriving across the state in just a few days. Gov. Beshear announced that 11 Kentucky hospitals across the Commonwealth will receive the first doses of the...

SCOTUS Blocks California’s Attack on Religious Freedom

The First Amendment guarantees religious liberty for every American. But the US Supreme Court had to remind California Governor Gavin Newsome of this. Unfortunately, he banned most in-person church services. At the same time, he allowed similar venues to remain open...

Look Up this Advent

COVID-19 has taken its toll on our already frayed nerves. Throw in a bitter and divisive political season and you have the perfect recipe for a big helping of personal frustration and civil discord. So where do we turn? In times of crisis and turmoil where hope seems...

Conversion Therapy Ban Overruled

The 11th District Circuit Court overturned two laws in Florida that would have banned counselors from helping their patients overcome unwanted LGBT identities. Boca Raton and Palm Beach County banned what is called conversion therapy. Florida counselors Robert Otto...

Supreme Court to Hear KY Case

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh told Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear that he must respond Friday to defend his closure of private Christian schools. Beshear shut down restaurants, event venues, and all K-12 schools, including Christian schools in his latest executive...

Gov. Beshear’s Orders Defy the Human Design

by Jordan Tong As numbers of new COVID-19 cases have risen in the state of Kentucky, Governor Andy Beshear has once again put the clamps on the Commonwealth. The newest restrictions issued by the governor include no indoor seating at restaurants, reduced capacity of...

Court Upholds TN Right to Life Law

The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court upheld a Tennessee law that bans abortions that target babies with Downs syndrome. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee (R) responded that “Every life is precious and every child has inherent human dignity. Protecting our most vulnerable...

Oregon’s Police State

Oregon Governor Kate Brown is telling residents to call the police on their neighbors who violate the state’s COVID-19 restrictions. Last week Brown issued executive orders intended to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. This included a two-week period which...

Cancel Cancel-Culture

Cancel culture is one of the most destructive movements in our society today. It says that if you hold views that don’t align with far-left policies you are hurting others and should be marginalized, lose your job, and your place in society. The latest target of...

12 Rules for a Free Society

Jordan Peterson is a popular author and speaker whose book 12 Rules of Life sold over three million copies. Now his new book 12 More Rules for Life is set to be released in March 2021, but several of the staff at Penguin Random House publishing who identify as LGBT...