The God Who Enters the Storm

The devastating tornado in West Kentucky claimed at least 76 lives and destroyed over 1000 homes. First Baptist Church of Mayfield was badly damaged. Yet, the congregation gathered in the sanctuary to pray and sing even though there were no seats. To those outside the...

Did 80 House Republicans Vote to Fund Federal Vax Database?

A headline at Breitbart said that 80 Republicans voted for a federal vaccination database. It’s true that 80 Republicans voted for a bill, but the contents of the bill have been misleading. Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw from Texas clarified his vote by stating...

Pastor Fired for Drag Show Participation

When a Methodist Church in Newburgh, Indiana learned that their pastor Craig Duke was featured in the HBO show, “We’re Here,” it led to an outcry. The show revolves around three famous drag queens who go to small towns and recruit other men to join them in drag shows....

Big Win for Religious Freedom in Iowa

Religious freedom in the U.S. is a hallmark of our republic, but unfortunately, religious freedom is under attack in some quarters. Case in point: a few years ago, the University of Iowa delisted two Christian organizations as recognized student groups because they...

Dems Stand up for Human Rights in China

Uyghur Muslims in western China have been persecuted and placed in internment camps in China years. Think about that for a minute. The last time there were internment camps for religious populations was during WWII. Most Democratic and Republican politicians have been...

New York Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote

New York City has a large immigrant population–both legal and illegal. But the Big Apple, America’s melting pot, where Lady Liberty stands on Ellis Island as a beacon to welcome the masses from abroad looking for freedom and a better life, just voted to allow...

Ky Congressman Concerned about Inflation

Congressman James Comer represents Kentucky’s First District in Congress, and he has been an outspoken critic against fiscal irresponsibility and government waste. I recently interviewed Comer, who said in a press release that “every committee hearing...

Life and Death Decision

The U.S Supreme Court will consider a Mississippi law that restricts abortion after 15 weeks. This could be the case that dismantles Roe v Wade and its led to a lot of hysteria, including from some members of the high court. Justice Elena Kagan said that...

Journalistic Integrity at Stake

When Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York was under investigation for sexual abuse allegations, his brother Chris Cuomo, who was working for CNN, attempted to help save his brother’s reputation. While he said he didn’t make calls to the press at the time, an investigation...

Will SCOTUS Reverse Roe?

Mississippi’s Solicitor General Scott Stewart tried to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold his state’s abortion restrictions. He said Roe v Wade “haunt[s] our country” and “[has] no basis in the Constitution.” Stewart is defending a Mississippi law that...