Man Receives Pig Heart

A 57-year-old man suffering from life-threatening heart disease received a heart from a genetically-modified pig. This is the first successful transplant of an animal organ into a human body. There’s been a shortage of organ donors, and this led the patient had to...

The Cancelling of Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan has one of the most popular podcasts in the nation. In fact, his listenership of 11 million people dwarfs that of CNN’s, which averages about a million at the 9 pm hour. Yet CNN is raking Rogan over the coals for his thoughts and comments about how to...

Temptation to Fear the Times

There’s a temptation to fear the times. Inflation is skyrocketing, crime and drug addiction are increasing, and Russia is on the verge of invading Ukraine. All this makes many anxious and fearful. But brokenness and pain are the norms for the world. Ever since...

Bill would make Mask-mandates optional

A bill in the Kentucky legislature would give parents the choice on whether or not to mask their children before sending them to school. Lynn Bechler the bill sponsor said a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. He said that “the data shows us children...

Save Women’s Sports Passes Ky House Committee

The Save Women’s Sports Act passed the Kentucky House education committee on Tuesday. The bill keeps boys who identify as girls off of girls’ sports teams. The bill, in essence, preserves women’s sports. Opponents like State Rep. Attica Scott of Louisville...

President’s Day 2022

Today is President’s Day, and at a time when confidence in political leadership may be at an all-time low, it’s good to celebrate the courage and conviction of leaders who’ve demonstrated statesmanship. Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, held the Union together...

Campus Free Speech Act

College campuses were once considered a place of free inquiry. But too often, conservative views have been shut down. Conservative students, and their ideas that go against left-leaning campus norms, are often shut down. However, a bill introduced in the Kentucky...

Canadian Truckers Shut Down Capitol

Truck drivers from all across Canada converged on the capital city of Ottawa to protest the countries coronavirus mandates and its overreach into personal liberty. The capital city has been essentially shut down. So has trade between the US and Canada. One protester...

Attorney General Cameron Investigates Instagram

Attorney General Daniel Cameron is co-leading a nationwide Investigation Into Instagram’s impact on minors. In a recent interview I did with General Cameron, he explained the harmful effects that social media is having on young people. Too much time on social media is...

Religious Freedom Upheld for Louisville Police Officer

The city of Louisville learned the hard way that it has no control over the prayers of its public employees. But it took a lawsuit to figure that out. 13-year police veteran Matt Schrenger prayed outside of EMW’s abortion center with his father last February....