APA Nonmonogamy Task Force

The American Psychological Association has launched the “Non-Monogamy Task Force.” The APA Division 44 Consensual Non-monogamy Task Force “promotes awareness and inclusivity about consensual non-monogamy and diverse expressions of intimate...

U.S. Census Question Workaround

The U.S. Supreme Court said that the question of citizenship could not be included on the 2020 census. The Census counts the number of U.S. citizens and is used for determining Congressional districts, but the Court says that the Trump administration’s...

Ohio Judge Blocks Fetal Heartbeat Law

A federal judge blocked Ohio’s fetal heartbeat law from going into effect. The law said that a human life is present once a fetal heartbeat is detected and it banned abortions at that moment. However, Judge Michael Barrett blocked the law so he could consider...

NEA Supports Abortion

The National Education Association Representative Assembly recently voted to support a “fundamental right to abortion.” It’s ironic that the NEA is taking a pro-abortion position because as more moms choose abortion there will be less children in the classroom,...

Social Media Blocks Conservatives

The social media platform Twitter is under fire for restricting conservative speech on its platform. Earlier this year, journalist Meghan Murphy tweeted that “men are not women,” and for that she was banned from Twitter. Twitter police classified Murphy’s tweet...

Freedom and Morality

Os Guiness said that true freedom is only possible within moral boundaries. He wrote in A Free People’s Suicide: “[freedom] rests on strong convictions about what is true and equally strong constraints against what is false. A culture with no claims on its...

Imposing Your Morality?

One of the most difficult issues to talk about in public yet most necessary for our survival is that of moral boundaries. We live in a highly individualized society where we’re averse to other people telling us how to live. Yet at a certain point, other...

UW Studies Effects of Pot on Tots

The university watchdog newspaper Campus Reform reports that the University of Washington is conducting a study on pregnant mothers who use marijuana. The university received nearly $200,000 in grants to see how marijuana use over the course of a pregnancy affects...

Citizenship Question Nixed on Census

Should the government ask about citizenship status on the U.S. Census? The U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t think so. They struck down the question that asked, “are you a legal U.S. citizen,” proposed by President Trump to be included in the 2020 Census....

The Need for Forgiveness

Our public discourse has become dangerously hateful. We’ve gotten to the point where people are physically attacked for their views. This is because we’ve forgotten principles like respect and tolerance. Too often opponents are demonized. This leads to a...

Happy Independence Day

243 years ago, our Founding Fathers crafted America’s first political document called the Declaration of Independence. They outlined the abuses of a tyrannical King who trampled their rights. So they appealed to the “Supreme Judge of the World” and...

Morality Integral to Freedom

Tomorrow we’ll celebrate our nation’s 243rd birthday. The founders threw off the chains of tyranny from King George and introduced the idea of the rule of law and self-government. And they appealed to God. As a result we have incredible political,...

LGBT Summer Reading

School is out and summer reading is in. And parents, what better place to take your kids for some new books than the public library? While there are a lot of great resources there, you might want to walk closely with your grade schooler through the children’s...

Court Upholds Cross

The U.S. Supreme Court handed down an important ruling that upheld the free speech and religious freedom rights of Bladensburg Maryland residents. The city had a cross in the public place that memorialized WW I veterans, but the American Humanist Association said it...

Too Much News

A survey last year found that most Americans are overwhelmed by all the news. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center 68 percent of Americans feel “overwhelmed by the amount of news there is.” Now, there’s always been a lot of news, but what we...

China Harvests Organs

A new independent report out of London revealed that that the Chinese government is targeting religious minorities and harvesting their organs. The report says that members of the outlawed group Falun Gong “were used for forced organ harvesting.” Now Falun Gong is a...

Marsy’s Law Struck Down

The Kentucky Supreme Court struck down Marsy’s Law. This was the constitutional amendment that shored up rights for crime victims. It updated our laws to include the right to be notified of court proceedings and whether a convicted criminal has been let out on...

Teen Vogue Legitimizes Prostitution

Teen Vogue recently ran a column entitled “Why Sex Work is Real Work.” Today, “sex work” is used synonymously with prostitution and the story uplifts it as a legitimate line of work. So how does a story like this get into a magazine targeted toward...

Reparations for Slavery

Democrats in Congress held a hearing on whether to set up a commission to study and respond to the question of reparations for slavery. A few Democratic presidential candidates appear to favor the idea. But a recent Fox News poll found that 60 percent of Americans...

Shutting Down Coal-Fired Plants

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is on a mission to make America green. He pledged $500 million to the Beyond Carbon initiative and their goal is to “phase out every last U.S. coal-fired power plant by 2030.” The group plans to pass laws that promotes...