Journalistic Integrity

A New York Times headline last week said, “Trump Urges Unity vs. Racism.” But after receiving heavy criticism, the Times changed the headline to “Assailing Hate But Not Guns.” CNN contributor Joan Walsh tweeted, “I canceled my subscription. I can’t keep rewarding such...

Deadly Shootings Continue

Last week’s mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas have gripped the nation. Mass violence is becoming all too common and many are pointing fingers. Some say it’s because of lax gun laws and the rise of white nationalism. Other’s blame a...

Sen. McConnell Threatened

U.S. Senate Majority Leader had a tough week. He started out with hecklers at the annual Fancy Farm picnic. Then again, every politician faces hecklers there. He then tripped and broke his shoulder at his home. Then protesters heckled and chanted outside his home as...

What’s at the Heart of Our Drug Crisis

A recent headline of an online newspaper said, “Christian Co. Grand Jury Indicts 40 on Drug-Related Charges.” The list included both men and women. They ranged in age from 21 to 59. And all but one were involved with dealing in meth. Another headline from...

Issues We’d Rather Not Talk About

There are some issues that are staring us down, but few want to talk about because they make us uncomfortable. The Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is one of those issues. Like the gorilla in the room, everyone knows it’s there, but they don’t want to talk about it....

National Motto Displayed in Ky Schools

Kentucky kids will be going back to school soon and they’ll notice something new once they enter the front doors: the national motto will be on full display. A recently enacted law requires every school in Kentucky to prominently display the national motto which...

Sen. Paul Offers Rep. Omar Plane Ticket to Somalia

Remember the Twitter battle President Trump waged the other week with four Congressional Women? Now Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has entered the fray. The women are known as the “Squad” and are hyper-critical of America. Trump tweeted they should go back home...

Fancy Farm and Voter Registration

The largest picnic in the world took place on Saturday in the far Western Kentucky town of Fancy Farm, where 20,000 pounds of pork and mutton were served up, games and raffles played, and where the fiery political speeches rivaled the August heat. On the main stage,...

Should the Bible be Taught in Public Schools?

In 2017, a bill passed the legislature that allowed teaching the Bible as an elective course. It’s been argued that the Bible is the single most influential book upon Western civilization. And in order for young people to understand our foundations, they must...

Save Chick fil-A Bill in Texas

“Discrimination is not tolerated in Texas.” That’s was Gov. Greg Abbot said after he signed the Save Chick-Fil-A bill into law. Abbot and the Texas legislature responded to a measure by the San Antonio City Council that banned the family-friendly...

Discrimination on Campus

In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that public universities could require student groups to admit members and leaders who didn’t share the beliefs and values consistent with the groups’ mission. The case was decided by a narrow 5-4 ruling and it’s...

Hand-up or Hand-out?

Panhandling seems to be on the increase, especially in our bigger cities. How do you respond when an able-bodied person asks you for money? In the case of a Ryan Bray of Bradenton Florida, he offered an apparent homeless man $15 an hour to do yard work. The homeless...

Sanders Pushing for Minimum Wage Hike

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is leading the charge to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. That’s more than double the current minimum wage which is $7.25 an hour. Now, many of Sander’s campaign staff are demanding that he...

Pension Reform Passes

The Kentucky General Assembly met in special last week and took a step to fix the broken pension system. They passed a bill to provide relief for regional universities, county health departments and many other quasi-governmental agencies faced with huge pension...

Was Life Better Under Soviets?

Mainstream news media seem quick to criticize conservatives for controversial comments. But the same news outlets appear reluctant when it comes to criticizing the left. Consider a recent tweet by a Yale University law professor who claimed that “Every single...

Ky May Ban Sanctuary Cities

Nine states have laws that protect illegal immigrants from federal authorities and are considered sanctuary states. Kentucky Republicans aren’t about to let that happen to the Commonwealth. State Sen. Danny Carroll and Rep. John Blanton—both Republicans,...

America’s Moon Landing Anniversary

Fifty years ago this month, America landed a man on the moon. When Astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped out of the Apollo 11 and onto the surface of the moon he said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” It was a major feat and a...

Is Pres. Trump Racist?

Many in the mainstream press called President Trump a racist after he called out Congressmen who’ve been critical of America. The president sent a tweet directed at four far-left Democratic Congresswomen and said, “Why don’t they go back and fix the...

General Assembly Special Session on Pensions

The Kentucky General Assembly is in special session today and they’re trying to fix the broken pension system. Well, at least they’re trying to fix part of it. The legislature is providing relief for regional universities, county health departments and...

Congress Considers Minimum Wage Hike

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour but that will change if Congress gets it way. They’re considering a proposal that will more than double the minimum wage to $15 an hour. It may sound good to minimum wage earners but what about the employees who’ve...