U.S. Senate Holds Impeachment Trial

The impeachment trial of Pres. Trump is underway. It’s only the third time in our history that a president has been impeached. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell believes its more a political maneuver by Democrats than a fact-based case against the president....

Methodist Schism

The United Methodist church is facing a split. The denomination has argued amongst itself for years regarding the ordination of homosexuals and affirmation of homosexual marriage. On January 3, United Methodist Church leaders proposed to divide the denomination into...

Sanctuary Cities Bill

The Kentucky State Senate’s number one bill is to ban sanctuary cities in the Commonwealth. This is in response to some larger cities and states that refuse to work with federal officials to uphold immigration policies. SB 1 requires any Kentucky city or law...

Roe v. Wade

Today, is the 47th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision. In 1973, the court legalized abortion on demand for any reason all the way through the ninth month of pregnancy. Critics call Roe v Wade a ruling without legal precedent that has...

CPC’s 2020 Bill Watch

The Commonwealth Policy Center had the privilage of working on two of the pro-life pieces of legislation passed in the last legislative session. In 2020, CPC is going to target the following pieces of legislation as we work alongside the KY House and Senate: ☑ Pass...

Kentucky Child Abuse Ranks #1

In 2019, Kentucky ranked number one in child abuse reports in the nation. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Children’s Bureau “Child Maltreatment 2017,” the commonwealth reported 22 out of every 1,000 children are abused. This...

Bevin’s Pardons Addressed

When former Gov. Matt Bevin pardoned and commuted sentences for hundreds of Kentuckians he created a firestorm. Details of a few cases involving murder and child sexual assault were especially egregious. Now, several Kentucky lawmakers have responded to the pardons by...

Roe v. Wade Challenged

There’s a case before the U.S. Supreme Court that could seriously weaken or overturn Roe v. Wade; the court decision that legalized abortion on demand nearly 50 years ago.  The case is called Gee v. June Medical Services, LLC. The abortion industry is...

Nick Sandman Vindicated

Remember the news reports of the Northern Kentucky student who was supposedly taunting a native American at a rally in Washington D.C. last year? Well, not only was the accusation against Covington Catholic student Nick Sandman untrue, it ended up costing CNN for...

University of Kansas Offers Controversial Course

The conservative college watchdog organization Campus Reform brings attention to what’s going on at our institutions of higher learning, particularly when it comes to wasteful spending, questionable course offerings, or unfair treatment in the classroom. They...