Louisville Proposes Ban on Conversation Therapy

Should professionals be allowed to counsel minors who are struggling with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria to embrace their born gender and heterosexuality? If a committee of Louisville Metro Council has its way, the answer is no. Councilman Bill Hollander...

The Things That Matter

This election is one of the most divisive we’ve ever seen. Add in coronavirus and rioting and looting in some of our major cities and it makes it an even more challenging season. Already tough conversations about who will best lead our nation have become...

Vote Fraud by Mail

The election is nearly here and Kentuckians can request to receive a ballot in the mail. But there’s still an ongoing debate over the possibility of voter fraud. Most mainstream news outlets downplay the possibility of voter fraud but this defies the logic that...

Trump Promises School Choice to Every Parent

School choice has been a hot topic in Kentucky. Now it’s a hot topic in the presidential race as Donald Trump promised that if re-elected, he would make school choice available to every family in America. The idea is that parents know what’s best for their...

Forgetting Our Founders

An advisory committee in Washington DC recommended to the mayor that the city strip the names of several historical figures from public places. The committee told DC Mayor Muriel Bowser that parks, schools, and playgrounds named after Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe,...

Upholding the Law in Louisville

Kentucky Senate Majority Caucus Chair Julie Raque Adams (R-Louisville), sent a letter to Gov. Beshear expressing concerns over violence and social upheaval in the city of Louisville, which she represents. Kentucky’s biggest city is on track for a record number...

Crisis of Justice

There is a crisis of justice in our land. But who would have thought prosecutors would be part of the problem? Portland’s District Attorney announced he will not prosecute cases of disorderly conduct or rioting. In Chicago, the top prosecutor lessened penalties...

CDC Reports COVID Isn’t as Deadly to the Healthy

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released startling data last week that reveals that the vast majority of Americans who died from COVID-19 also had underlying health issues. According to the CDC’s report, 94 percent of patients who died from...

The Gift of Work

It’s Labor Day today where many of you will have the day off of work and spend time with family and friends. It’s a time to escape from our work and rest, but have you ever thought that work is a gift? We often see work as a curse. That’s because...