Journalism Crossing a Line

One of the great freedoms we enjoy as Americans is the freedom of the press. The news media bills itself as a watchdog government, which benefits all of us when they tell us what's going on. But in many cases the news media sacrifices objectivity and the story...

Journalism Crossing a Line

One of the great freedoms we enjoy as Americans is the freedom of the press. The news media bills itself as a watchdog government, which benefits all of us when they tell us what's going on. But in many cases the news media sacrifices objectivity and the story...

SOGI Ordinance Unfair

Two Kentucky cities are considering ordinances that would make sexual orientation a civil right.  The city of Henderson had a "Fairness" ordinance on the books 20 years ago, but the unpopular law led to the defeat of key commissioners and it was...

U of L Professor Casualty of Gender Ideology

One of the most objective, self-evident truths is that of gender. We're either born male or female. There are clear biological differences. However, in a secular culture without a fixed reference point, this most objective of realities is being blurred. And there...

Kentucky Pensions in Trouble

Kentucky's pension system has been in trouble for a long time. Now, Democratic candidate for governor Andy Beshear is proposing to legalize casinos and dedicate the revenue to fix the system. However, the problem according to analysts is not one of revenue, but...


Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an outspoken voice when it comes to climate change.  Now she's questioning whether it's Ok to have children. She said that  “It does lead young people to have a legitimate question: is it OK...


Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an outspoken voice when it comes to climate change.  Now she's questioning whether it's Ok to have children. She said that  “It does lead young people to have a legitimate question: is it OK...

Social Security in Trouble

Social Security will become insolvent in 2035. That means that it won't be able to make full payments to those who've put money into it. This is only 16 years away. According to the report last week by Social Security's acting commissioner, Congress must...

Voter Registration Trending GOP

Between March 15 and April 15 Democratic voter registrations in Kentucky  declined by 783. Republican voter registrations on the other hand increased by 2486. Kentucky was once considered a reliably democratic state, but not anymore. And it’s largely due to...

Gender Ideology Threatens Women’s Shelter

A man wearing a dress wanted to stay in the same sleeping quarters at a Women's Shelter in Anchorage, Alaska. But he was turned away. However, the man appealed to the local "equality" or "fairness" law which protects gender identity. The...

The Equality Act: Clever Name, Serious Consequences

First District Congressman James Comer (R-Tompkinsville) is “deeply troubled” by the Equality Act—a bill introduced that will add sexual orientation and gender identity to the civil rights code. Comer said “It’s a clever name with an allegedly...

Notre Dame Cathedral Burns

The cameras rolled as Notre Dame Cathedral was engulfed in flames. Notre Dame, a 900 year-old structure at the center of Paris, and a picture of French identity, represented a worldview that shaped not just France but all of Europe. When the iconic spire at the center...

Register to Vote Today

The deadline to register to vote in the upcoming primary election in Kentucky is today. To be eligible to vote, you must be at least 18 years old on or before the November 6 General Election, a U.S. citizen and a Kentucky resident, and cannot be a convicted felon. If...

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, but when you stop to think about why it's called "good" it might seem contradictory. The Christian tradition celebrates this day as the day that Jesus Christ was put death on a cross. Jewish leaders made false charges and stirred up...

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, but when you stop to think about why it's called "good" it might seem contradictory. The Christian tradition celebrates this day as the day that Jesus Christ was put death on a cross. Jewish leaders made false charges and stirred up...

Good Friday Reflections

Today, Christians around the world observe one of the most solemn days of the faith in what is called Good Friday. The name itself appears self contradictory when you consider that it centers around one of the most shameful and horrible acts in history: the...

The Rights of… Trees?

Should trees have the same rights as you and me? According to the  French National Assembly in Paris last Friday they do. They adopted the “Declaration of tree rights” which says  “A tree is a living organism whose average lifespan is far...

Government Discrimination

The San Antonio city council banned Chick-Fil-A from operating in its airport. Councilman Robert Trevino is leading the charge against the third largest fast-food chain in the nation. “Everyone has a place here, and everyone should feel welcome when they walk...

Consequence of Post-Truth Society

A few years ago, the Oxford Dictionary dubbed "post-truth" the Word of the Year. This is where intense emotion has displaced objective truth and it's playing out in real life. Four and five year old children are allowed to determine their own gender....