Protecting Marriage Event on Thursday

It is obvious to any who keep just a cursory awareness of national news that the traditional definition of marriage is under serious assault. Same sex marriage is now legal in several states and activist judges in other states are tearing down longstanding legislation...

Former Representative Reprimanded, Fined

Kentucky House Representative John Arnold was found liable by the KY Legistlative House Ethics Commission concerning allegations by three former staffers that he sexually harassed them. The Commission’s votes finally numbered to the required tally-5 to 1-after...

A Supreme Court Win on Prayer

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Monday to allow the city hall meetings of Greece, New York to continue their practice of an opening prayer. A group of voters who were present during one of the prayers brought suit against the city, claiming that specific references by...

A Pro-Life Win in Mississippi

Mississippi's Governor has banned all abortions after 20 weeks.  Republican Gov. Phil Bryant of Mississippi on Wednesday signed a bill that bans abortion at a minimum of 20 weeks of pregnancy, without exception for rape or incest.The law, which takes effect...

Questioning tolerance at UK

College is a place where students are expected to be asked questions, lots of them in fact, on many topics. But one wonders if there are some questions too intrusive and personal to ask. University of Kentucky Health Services found the answer earlier this month when...

General Assembly Over for 2014

The 2014 General Assembly concluded this week; and despite grand bargains on budgets, and compromises on solutions, the democratic stronghold that keeps Kentucky mired in mediocrity persists.  A few highlights: Governor Beshear lost yet again on attempting to...

How the Gay Rights Movement Succeeded

Joe Carter, an editor for The Gospel Coalition and a communications assistant for The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, has an excellent essay on the origins and successes of the gay rights movement. In an essay at Canon & Culture titled, "The Most...

Keeneland & Red Mile Install "Instant Racing"

In a show of confidence, racetracks Keeneland and Red Mile moved ahead with installation of hundreds of video terminals known as "Instant Racing." Their move comes amidst a court battle waged by the Family Foundation of Kentucky against the Kentucky Horce...

Craig James scores with FRC

Former pro-football player and sportscaster Craig James was sacked by Fox Sports last fall for the egregious error of supporting marriage between one man and one woman.  He recently scored a job with the Family Research Council.  "… Craig and his...

Keeneland & Red Mile Install “Instant Racing”

In a show of confidence, racetracks Keeneland and Red Mile moved ahead with installation of hundreds of video terminals known as "Instant Racing." Their move comes amidst a court battle waged by the Family Foundation of Kentucky against the Kentucky Horce...

For Your Review

There are several articles worth your review floating out on the internet today. First, Kathleen Parker, the sometimes-conservative columnist for the Washington Post has a syndicated column in today’s Courier-Journal. In it, she talks about the practical...

World Vision: At First a Loss, Now a Win

Conservative Christians are accustomed to defeat after defeat it seems in the culture wars. This week, we were struck a major blow. World Vision, the preeminent evangelical mercy ministry known for feeding the world's poor, announced that it would allow for...

CPC’s Richard Nelson on KET’s Kentucky Tonight

Commonwealth Policy Center's Executive Director Richard Nelson appeared on KET's Kentucky Tonight discussing the issue of gay rights in Kentucky. Other guests included Martin Cothran of The Family Foundation, and a representative from The Fairness Campaign and...

Hobby Lobby Goes to Court!

Tomorrow is the long-awaited day. The Christian-owned craft store mega-giant Hobby Lobby will argue before the Supreme Court that its religious liberty has been violated due to the Obama administration's HHS Mandate, an odious provision of Obamacare that requires...

The Closing of the Mind at Stanford

An interesting, ironic, and ultimately sad episode is taking place at Stanford University. At this esteemed institution of elite education, LGBT activists have persuaded Stanford's student body government to prevent school funds from being disbursed to pay for a...

Who Will Stand for Life?

Imagine a scenario where a bill has over sixty co-sponsors. Imagine a deliberative body, the House of Representatives, that requires a simple majority to pass a bill. One would assume that with over sixty co-sponsors, a bill's passage would be quite easy,...

Nelson: "Gay marriage threat to GOP ideals"

Commonwealth Policy Center Executive Director Richard Nelson had an opinion editorial in yesterday's Courier-Journal. Nelson's concern is the seeming collapse of defending marriage as the union of a man and woman within the ranks of the GOP. In the editorial,...