The Things That Are Not Caesar’s

On Thursday, Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear ordered Casey County Clerk Casey Davis to issue marriage licenses to all eligible couples including same-sex couples or resign from office. Davis, as we’ve learned in the last few days, believes that the state...

A Lot Of Dough

The Portland Bureau of Labor and Industries awarded a same-sex couple $135,000 because a bakery owner refused to bake them a wedding cake two years ago. That’s a lot of dough. Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian said the ruling “is not about a wedding...

Cut Off At The Pass

The U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling legalizing same-sex marriage leaves many clergy wondering whether they will legally be able to refuse to perform same-sex weddings. One Kentucky legislator is attempting to make sure the answer to that question remains...

The Myth of Adult Entertainment

Let’s contemplate one of the most widespread and most unfortunate phrases of recent times: The “adult” entertainment industry. When I say adult entertainment, the vast majority of you know exactly what I mean—pornography. If you did a search...

The Value Of Life

For better or worse, human beings have the freedom to choose when they want to die. Should a person choose to take his or her own life, there is no law or restriction against them doing so. Thankfully, the world still deems life precious enough that the majority of...

An Open Letter to the Church

An Open Letter to the Church From: Commonwealth Policy Center Executive Director Richard Nelson Date: June 30, 2015 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Last Friday’s Supreme Court ruling redefining marriage and imposing homosexual marriage in all 50 states is a...

Meaningful Discourse

Homosexuality and transgenderism lifestyle are now being taught as completely normal, and discourse on their validity is becoming increasingly difficult. The Lexington Herald-Leader recently featured an article on J'Lissabeth Faughn, a Lexington-based...

Seven Questions for the Victors

It was to very few’s surprise that the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Friday to find a Constitutional right to same-sex marriage. Most politicos and commentators on both sides of the marriage debate predicted that if the issue were brought to the court during the...

CPC Responds to Marriage Ruling

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE U.S. Supreme Court Strikes down Kentucky Marriage Law DATE: June 26, 2015 CONTACT: Richard Nelson (270) 719-1640 (Cadiz, KY)  On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Kentucky’s law defining marriage as between one man and one...

Projected Fallout from Marriage

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on marriage any day now. As we've explained on numerous occassions, man/woman marriage is a pre-political institution. It is the most basic human relationship. It is a pillar to society. Should the pillar be weakened in...

Love From Tragedy

Is there any way we can make sense of the horrific events that took place in Charleston, South Carolina, last week? When 21-year-old Dylann Roof entered the Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church Wednesday night, who could have known he would take the lives of...

Identity debate thrown curve by Dolezal

The debate over identity and who determines it was thrown a curve by Rachel Dolezal, former NAACP leader in Spokane, who was born white but self-identified as black.  Defenders of radical autonomy initially fumbled their response, however many soon cozied up to...

Charleston Grieving

Murder is terrible. Throw a racist into a church pew in the midst of a Bible study and prayer time for an hour only to have him draw a gun and begin shooting indiscriminately is a horror. Our collective conscience has been seared by the unspeakable act of Dylann Roof....

It Isn’t Right

Tennessee lawmakers created a stir when they passed a law stating that a woman can be “prosecuted for assault for the illegal use of a narcotic drug while pregnant” if her infant is harmed or addicted to the drug. She can also be charged with homicide if...


In director Rob Reiner's classic movie The Princess Bride, the vengeful Inigo Montoya uttered these famous words to the evil Vizzini: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Perhaps we could use some of...

Where Is The Hope?

Whether fairly or unfairly, Kentucky's Appalachian region has long been regarded as a place of poverty and hopelessness. Although blanket statements such as this are rarely 100 percent correct, recent numbers published regarding rising hepatitis C rates in the...

The Cult of Caitlyn

It is difficult and sometimes dangerous to comment on someone's intimate personal choice. But when the discussion lands on the front pages of Vanity Fair and dominates the news, a response is necessary–especially when strident voices demand agreement and...