Churches are not Second Class

Tomorrow, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in an important case regarding religious freedom and whether the government can treat religious institutions as second class. The case at hand involves a Missouri church that applied for a grant to receive...

EMW Stays Open by Court Order

The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services recently found EMW Women's Surgical Center in Louisville to be out of compliance with state law regulating abortion clinics. The breech could have resulted in the closure of Kentucky's last remaining abortion...

Chicago Sues Over Sanctuary City Crackdowna

Chicago calls itself a sanctuary city. This means they're allowing illegal immigrants to live and work there without repercussions but now the federal government is clamping down. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is demanding all cities that have illegal aliens...

What’s so Good about Good Friday?

What's so good about Good Friday anyway? The day was preceded by betrayal, denial, abandonment, and conspiracy.  It ended in mob rule and the execution of a righteous man—the one the ancient Israelites hoped would break the shackles of oppressive Roman...

Making Sense of a Post-truth World

Wheaties was a staple breakfast food in my childhood and between spoonfuls of the stuff that was supposed to make me strong I remember the box staring back at me of Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner ready to spring the javelin. It was the breakfast of champions and...

Physician Prescribed Suicide

There is mounting pressure in our nation to promote what is called death with dignity. The predominate argument is that persons facing terminal illness shouldn’t have to suffer with pain but rather should have the right to end their life on their terms providing...

Using Your Hands to Work

A pastor was once told that he hasn't worked a day in his life and responded by saying "There are a lot of hard working activities these hands have never done, but they have taken a lifeless baby from the arms of a broken mother. They have taken a gun out of...

2017 General Assembly Session Recap

2017 Session Recap Bills that passed: HB 2 Ultrasound Law. Requires abortionist to provide ultrasound of the unborn child to woman seeking an abortion. Passed House 83-12 (1-5-17). Passed Senate 32-5 (1-7-17). Signed into law by Gov. Bevin on 1-7-17. Vote record here....

On the Brink of Incivility

One thing that differentiate's the U.S. from much of the world is that it settles its policy disagreements at the ballot box instead of with guns and bombs. We pride ourselves in our civility, but civility is wearing thin as opponents of President Trump are...

What Undergirds Western Civilization?

We sometimes take for granted what it is that undergirds our society. In trying to discover what makes the West so successful a Chinese sociologist said this: “We studied everything we could from the historical, political, economic, and cultural perspective. At...

Georgetown LGBTQ Advocates Turn to Scripture

It was standing room only in City Hall, and the overflow area was packed. As citizens approached the microphone to speak, person after person implored the community to consider Jesus. They pointed to Christ’s tolerant love for others and to the priority of the...

Cognitive Dissonance in Georgetown

Have you ever had two conflicting feelings happen at the same time? Ever felt both happy and sad? Or angry yet compassionate? If so, you've experienced something that amounts to a ten-dollar word psychologists call cognitive dissonance. Such confusion filled my...

LGBTQ Coordinator at MSU?

A recent email from the LGBT Coordinator at Murray State staffer said: "Hello Safe Zone allies!  Gaypril (Gay April) is going to be a fun month. We have a lot of activities lining up, including a game night, gender-inclusive sex ed, discussions on...

Charter Schools Come to KY

Kentucky became the 44th state to permit charter schools. These are public school that avoid much of the bureaucracy that bogs down teachers into minutia and mires students into endless tests.  Some focus on Science Technology Engineering or Math (STEM) while...

Is Big Brother Listening In?

The latest technology and smart gadgets are designed to make life easier, but according to the latest Wikileaks, they also make it easier for the government or big business to spy on us. Leaked CIA documents reveal that smart tv's connected to the internet can be...

Summit to Save Our Children

At the Summit to Save Our Children, Gov. Matt Bevin said, “we will not only be known for horses and basketball. But now Kentucky will lead the nation in taking care of the needs of the most vulnerable children we have.” Bevin is making it a priority to...

$10 Billion Wagered on March Madness

Do you have your college basketball bracket filled out? Millions of Americans do, hoping to win the office pool during March Madness. For some, it's big money. According to the American Gaming Association and reported by ESPN an estimated $10 billion dollars will...

Louisville Police Program Under Investigation

A disturbing report in the Louisville Courier Journal has rocked the Louisville police department. A young man in the police's Youth Explorer program was raped by officers over a two year time period. Mayor Greg Fischer said "The allegations represent an...

The Fear Within the Fairness Debate

Participating in a city council meeting can be intimidating. And the intimidation factor is magnified when a controversial issue is on the agenda. Such was the case in Bowling Green last Tuesday when the city commission had a special working session to discuss the...

Kim Davis Doesn’t Have to Pay Legal Fees

Kim Davis is back in the news. Remember her? She's the county clerk from Eastern Kentucky who refused to put her signature on a gay marriage license.  A federal judge ruled that Davis doesn't have to pay the legal fees of the couple that sued her. In...