Northern KY University Intolerant of Speech

College is supposed to be the place where free speech is celebrated, the place where opposing views are respected. Sadly, and far too often this isn't the case. The latest example of intolerance and the attack on free speech comes from Northern Kentucky University...

Twitter Censorship

Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn launched her campaign for Senate on Twitter—that is, until Twitter blocked her ad saying it was “inflammatory.”  Now, Blackburn is a pro-life champion and her ad mentioned Congress’ investigation...

Public Pension Plan

There's an update on Kentucky's state pension crisis and there's a little bit of good news and bad news.  The good news is that Gov. Bevin and legislative leaders have come up with a proposal to keep the state's promise to its workers. This is...

Rick Pitino Fired

The headlines of the Louisville Courier-Journal said "Fired"— as in Rick Pitino, University of Louisville's basketball coach. The U of L board of trustees unanimously voted to fire Pitino for his involvement with serious recruiting violations. This...

The Boy Scouts are No More

The Boy Scouts are now accepting girls into their ranks. Which makes us wonder, if they should drop the word "boy" from their name. This latest change is reflective of the gender-blurring in our society where differences between male and female have been...

500th Anniversary of Reformation

This month marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. On Oct. 31 in 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the Door of the Schlosskirche (castle church) in Wittenberg, Germany. This sparked the Reformation. And the West has never been the same since. The...

Why Christians Should Love Their LGBT Neighbors

One of the most divisive and difficult topics to discuss today is over sexual ethics—specifically involving LGBT issues. It's a topic most of us avoid. For the few that are engaged, conversation is often shrill with carpet bomb arguments that leave the...

Patients wait in England

A headline of a major British newspaper said "One million patients a week cannot get a General Practitioner appointment, statistics show." Great Britain is touted as a model for state managed health care, but as the headline said, too many patients...

CPC Hosts Conference

The issue of homosexuality and transgenderism has reached a boiling point. Often the mainstream media portrays those opposed to LGBT rights as intolerant and bigoted. But is this truly the case? We forget that just because one disagrees with an issue, it doesn't...

High Stakes Gambling

Authorities are still trying to figure out what caused Stephen Paddock to open fire on thousands of concert goers in Las Vegas. One report links the nation's worst mass shooting in recent history to compulsive gambling.  One news report says Paddock "was...

Hugh Hefner passed away: What was his legacy?

Hugh Hefner is dead. He founded Playboy over a half century ago and is credited with "liberating America from sexual repression." But Hefner's true legacy is that he mainstreamed pornography. In Hefner's world, sex was a commodity and something to be...

CPC Hosts LGBT Conference

One of the most divisive issues in our society involves homosexual rights and transgenderism. Like it or not, these are issues that will face all of us at some point. So how do you address them? Those with religious convictions that homosexuality and crossing gender...

Louisville a Sanctuary City?

The Louisville Metro Council is considering an ordinance that would stop Louisville Metro police officers and city employees from enforcing federal civil immigration laws. The proposal bars metro employees from using government resources “to apprehend people...

CHFS in Contempt of Court

A Jefferson County judge has found the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, in contempt of court because they failed to move children in their care to foster care in a timely manner. Instead they left them in juvenile detention facilities long past the necessary...

Court Strikes Down Ultrasound Law

Kentucky's ultrasound law has been struck down. U.S. District Judge David Hale said the law that forces abortionists to provide a sonogram to women seeking an abortion violated the “First Amendment rights of physicians.” It's unclear how the First...

Las Vegas Shooting

Altogether, 59 are dead and over 500 wounded in the worst mass shooting in our history. Evil is real, and it made itself known last week at an outdoor country music concert in Las Vegas. But just as there is evil, there is good. That was demonstrated by many acts of...

Unplug Over the Weekend

We often talk about pressing political issues and current events on TCM. Being well-informed and politically engaged is important. We want to be good citizens. But we need balance in our lives and this means that we cannot be dominated by 24-hour news cycles. They end...

Roy Moore wins AL U.S. Senate primary

Roy Moore won Alabama's U.S. Senate primary, overcoming millions of dollars in negative ads and fighting against the Republican party establishment. If you recall, Moore is known at the 10 Commandment's judge. He put a monument of the 10 commandments in his...