LGBT Intolerance

A survey by GLAAD shows that public attitude toward LGBT Causes is declining. Glenn Stanton says: "If you don't believe that Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, you're the worst kind of hateful. If you think a child deserves a mother and a father, you are a bigot....

Pro-life Kentucky

There are few pieces of legislation as life-altering and impactful as those bills that protect innocent human life. And this General Assembly session has seen its share of such proposals. There's a bill to restrict chemical abortions. One would ban abortions after...

To Stop Violence, Bring Dad into the picture

In the wake of school shootings there is a call to restrict gun access. But does this really get to the heart of the problem? Most mass shootings are perpetrated by young males without a father in their lives. Author Warren Farrell said “Without dads as role...

Without Remorse

Gabe Parker was described as cold, callous and “shockingly calm” in an interview with Kentucky State Police after he was apprehended for killing two of his classmates and wounding 14 others at Marshall County High School. The 16-year old red-headed kid...

White House Hosts Opioid Summit

Top leaders from across the country convened at the White House last week for an opioid summit and talked about ways to combat the deadly scourge which claimed more than 42,000 lives in 2016.That's an average of 115 deaths every day. The conference covered various...

Foster Care Reform on the Way

Kentucky has too many kids in foster care. In fact, there are 8600 kids who aren't in permanent homes. That's why the state legislature made major changes to streamline the adoption process. The bill relieves social workers of burdensome paper work and forces...

Pike County Schools Arm Teachers

The Pike County School Board voted to allow teachers to carry guns. The measure would allow school employees to volunteer as concealed-carry guards in public schools throughout the county. The school is working with the Pike County Sheriff’s Office which would...

Teens and Sexting

Being a teenager these days is tough. In fact, they face many challenges that previous generations didn't have to face. One such challenge is digital technology. For all the good and valuable things it does, there is a dark side as well. The latest study in the...

Beshear proposes gambling expansion

Attorney General Andy Beshear said that the legislature's proposal to fix the state's pension crisis is illegal. So what's his solution? Expanded gambling. But is expanding gambling a serious fix for a structurally deficient pension system? Of course, more...

Judge Sides with Transgender Teen

A court in Ohio sided with a 17-year-old girl who wanted to transition from female to male. The parents refused to allow their daughter to undergo hormone treatments and surgeries that would make her appear as a male. They also refused to call her by male pronouns. So...

Arming Teachers

Mass shootings have gripped our nation. They're increasing in frequency and now there's is a movement demanding action especially as many of the shootings target innocent students. There's much talk about banning certain kinds of guns. One proposal to keep...

Answers for Parkland

In the wake of the Parkland, Florida school shooting people are looking for answers and they're angry. Many are calling for a ban on certain kinds of guns. Others are calling for better security in public schools. Next month, students plan to march against school...

U of L Stripped of Championship

U of L is losing its 2013 national championship. The NCAA handed down this ruling after an investigation found that an assistant basketball coach used strippers to recruit high school students. As a result the Cardinals will vacate 123 victories and they'll lose...

Billy Graham’s Legacy

We may live in troubled times but there's one who consistently brought a message of hope and good news. That was the evangelist Billy Graham. He was one of the most influential figures of the 20th century: a gifted speaker who spoke to millions, a confidant to...

Graham’s Message Lives On

I've been working on a column where weaving thoughts into the right words that clearly convey what's on my heart is proving elusive. I started writing about the school shooting in Parkland, Florida but raw emotions coupled with uncertain thoughts caused me to...

Messages Have Consequences

The top grossing movie prior to Valentine’s was 50 Shades Freed. It was the final installment in the sex trilogy titillating audiences by the abuse of a young woman at the hands of a handsome billionaire. Movie reviews were harsh (because of poor plot, poor acting and...

50 Shades Freed

The top grossing movie last week was 50 Shades Freed, the final installment in the sex trilogy which featured the abuse of a young woman at the hands of a handsome billionaire. Movie reviews were harsh. But this was mostly because of poor plot, poor acting and...

Opioid Epidemic Costly

The opioid epidemic has cost our nation $1 Trillion since 2001 and may exceed $500 billion over the next three years. The report by Altarum said the greatest cost is in lost earnings and productivity. Then there are healthcare costs, substance abuse disorders and...

Gov. Bevin Stands with Hands on Originals

Blaine Adamson, the T-shop printer in Lexington has been dragged through the court system for six years, Why? Simply for refusing to print a message that violated his religious beliefs. Adamson is now in the Kentucky Supreme Court defending his First Amendment...