Violence Motivated by Racism

Recent acts of racially motivated violence has gripped us. Two black people were killed at a Louisville Kroger. And 11 worshipers were killed at The Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Any act of violence is tragic. In response to racial violence CNN...

Lottery Rave

The second largest lottery jackpot ticket in history was sold in South Carolina the other week. The winner of the $1.54 billion prize hasn't yet come forward. And why should they? They'll be hounded the rest of their lives. Prior to the drawing, ticket sales...

Election Day!

If you haven't heard, there's an election today! It's the mid-terms where every Congressman and one-third of the U.S. Senate are up for re-election. Traditionally, the party out of power in the White House picks up Congressional seat. Some see a blue wave...

Kentucky State House Races Nationalized

The robo-call I received the other day from Pres. Trump endorsing incumbent state House member Walker Thomas (R-Hopkinsville) confirmed that Kentucky's state House races have been nationalized. Similar calls went out in 29 state House districts last Wednesday and...

Processing Public Tragedy

Eleven people were killed and several others injured after a gunman entered The Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and shouted "all Jews must die!" The FBI is now investigating in what many are calling a hate crime. So how do we respond to such tragedy?...

Incivility Breeds Violence

Sen. Mitch McConnell and his wife were harassed again at a Louisville restaurant. A man came up to his table and started yelling at him and then threw his take-out box on the ground. It's becoming common for protestors to publicly berate and harass political...

America Coming Apart

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse just released a book called Them: Why we hate each other and how to heal. It's a fantastic book that diagnoses what ails us and how to restore our societal health. Sasse points out that we are more affluent than ever. We live in bigger...

Voting in San Francisco

Is the right to vote a universal human right? In other words, does it matter if you're a legal citizen to vote in an election? If you're in San Francisco, the answer is no. San Francisco is now allowing non-citizens to vote in school board races. That's...

Time’s Confusing Headline

Time Magazine recently asked: What Could Happen If the Federal Government Redefined Gender? It's an interesting question on a number of levels but it needs to be asked if anyone—including the government, can redefine something so concrete as gender. The...

Migrant Caravan

The pictures on the nightly news are jarring: thousands of migrants from Central America pushing their way through Mexico, sometimes overwhelming police checkpoints in order to press on toward the United States. Some have likened it to a small army and an invasion....

High Stakes Mid-Term Elections

The fierce battle over U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh gives us a snapshot of the political left's rage and the energy they'll take into the November election. They're on the outside of Washington's political power and they're doing all...

Marsy’s Law Nixed by Judge

There's an effort to restore rights to victims of crime in Kentucky. It's called Marsy's law and it requires the courts to notify crime victims and their families of judicial proceedings and parole hearings. But Franklin Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wingate...

Religious Symbols Nixed in Hardin County

The Hardin County School system is cracking down on religious messages. The teachers in the school system were recently told they couldn't have coffee cups with Scriptures on them inside their classrooms. If they're on Facebook and use phrases like...

Religious Liberty Prevails in Atlanta

Should public officials keep their religious beliefs hidden?  Atlanta's fire chief Kelvin Cochran didn't think so. Cochran wrote a book about Biblical manhood and moral boundaries.  Atlanta's mayor publicly denounced his religious beliefs and...

Blue Wave or Red?

The election is two weeks from today and there's a lot of talk about a blue wave sweeping the nation. It's typical for the party outside of the White House to pick up Congressional seats in a mid-term election but it's no guarantee that'll happen in...

Elizabeth Warren and Misleading News

For years, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed she was part Cherokee. Yet many disbelieved her. Warren recently revealed that a DNA test indicated she might have had a Native American ancestor some 6-10 generations removed. If it was 10 generations ago,...

What to Look for in a Candidate

The election is just over two weeks away but many are wondering what to look for in choosing a candidate. There are two important questions to ask: what is their character and what are their principles. Character is everything in a leader. Ask whether they're...

Is Pot Harmless?

Is smoking pot harmless? The group called Legalize Kentucky Now would have us believe there's no downside to smoking pot. Some even claim that it's never led to any deaths. Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational use of marijuana and in 2016...

3 of 4 Black Youth in Detention

The Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting recently reported that three out of every four inmates at Louisville's youth detention center are black. The implication is that the system is somehow unfair to blacks. Institutional racism has been a stain on our...

Incendiary Speech

A Georgetown University professor was recently placed on research leave after she wished “miserable deaths” on defenders of Brett Kavanaugh. Christine Fair Tweeted that Kavanaugh’s defenders “deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as...