Covington Catholic

A group of Kentucky students made national headlines last week when they were caught on video at a Washington D.C. rally heckling a native American protestor. The story about the Covington Catholic students drew outrage and a national conversation about bigotry...

Another Harassment Scandal

The Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting released more details of a deposition alleging sexual harassment by former State House Speaker Jeff Hoover. A former House staffer testified to troubling details in her deposition. If they prove true, Hoover needs to...

Oak Grove Casino Hits Bump in the Road

Ever hear the saying "hold your horses?" Well, it looks like West Kentucky Development Corp. needs to reign theirs in. This is the group that was awarded a new racetrack license by the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission and announced they're building a new...

Roe v. Wade Anniversary

Forty-six years ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion. It was an overstep of the Constitution which resulted in an injustice that led to some 60 million unborn people who've not given an opportunity to live. But public opinion is changing. ...

Government Shutdown

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told President Trump that he's not invited to deliver the State of the Union to Congress until the government reopens. Our national leaders are bickering over the border wall. Unfortunately real people are caught in the crossfire...

Pro-Life Bills Introduced

Kentucky has become a leader when it comes to protecting unborn life. The latest bill in Frankfort would ban all abortions in the Commonwealth after a heartbeat is detected. This means that at around 6-8 weeks all abortions would be outlawed. This latest pro-life bill...

Addiction Issues

Addiction is an issue that seems to dominate the news, primarily with the opioid crisis.  There were 1565 heroin overdose deaths in Kentucky in 2017. This is tragic. So how do you define addiction? It's something that controls one's life and negatively...

Gender X

When a mother gives birth to a child one of the first things she hears from the doctor is "it's a boy" or "it's a girl." Such declarations are likely to go by the wayside for parents in New York City. That's because a new policy that...

In Search of Life

The headline of a BBC a story a few weeks ago (December 14, 2018) asked: "What chance has NASA of finding life on Mars?" This is the question that's gripping scientists today. It's a worthy goal to find an answer. At the same time, there's a...

Every Vote Counts

If you've ever been tempted to think that your vote really doesn't matter, please refrain from that thought. The State House election in Owensboro was decided by one vote and it's the heart of a controversy as the legislature convened last week. Jim Glenn...

Gambling on the Agenda

It's no secret that Kentucky's pension system is underfunded by billions of dollars. Now, several legislators say expanded gambling is the answer. So is Kentucky's Attorney General Andy Beshear. He recommended the legalization of casinos and dedicating the...

India’s Supreme Court Ruling

India's Supreme Court ruled that women have the right to enter a Hindu Temple in the Indian state of Kerala. Since the ruling back in September, traditionalists have blocked women from entering. But last week, two women got through which resulted in violent...

Graham Banned From Facebook

Conservatives have long complained over unfair treatment by social media giants like Twitter and Facebook. Nationally syndicated talk show host Ben Shapiro reported that one of his staffers was temporarily banned over a joke about Brussel sprouts he posted on Twitter....

General Assembly Convenes

The Kentucky General Assembly kicks off the 2019 session today and it promises to be a challenging session. Fixing the state's broken pension system is a priority. So is modernizing our tax system. What makes it most interesting is the political intrigue since...

Pelosi Becomes Speaker

Nancy Pelosi made history again by becoming the Speaker of the House. She's the only woman to ever hold the position which she previously held between 2007-2011. Political observers believe with Pelosi in power, radical social issues like sanctuary cities, funding...

Politics isn’t Everything

French philosopher Jacques Ellul warned about making everything political. He called this the “political illusion”—the belief that most of our problems are political and therefore require political solutions. Truth is, not everything is political,...

Drag Queen Story Hour

Every once in a while there are news items so shocking that once you hear about them you're not sure how to react. Such is the case in Evansville, Indiana and Cookeville, Tennessee where local libraries are hosting Drag Queen Story Hours. This is where men who...

Thoughts on a New Year

The beginning of a New Year is a great time to take inventory on the last year and ask yourself how you can make the upcoming year even better. Here are a few suggestions: Love more. Complain less. Don't blame but rather ask: "how can I help?" or...

New Year Resolutions

If you're like nearly half of America you'll make some kind of New Year resolution. Maybe you've resolved to eat better, exercise more or spend more time with family. Whatever they might be, we all want to do better in the new year. The ever-witty G.K....