Commonwealth Policy Center Launches Daily Radio Commentaries
DATE: September 24, 2015
CONTACT: Richard Nelson
PHONE: (270) 271-2713

Cadiz, KY—The Commonwealth Policy Center (CPC) is launching daily commentaries to help Kentuckians better understand what is going on in politics and culture. “There is so much happening in our world and followers of Jesus cannot afford to be in the dark,” said CPC Executive Director Richard Nelson. “The commentaries bring into focus the issues of the day and help listeners process them according to a Biblical worldview.”

The commentaries, dubbed the Commonwealth Minute, are one minute in length and should easily fit into already scheduled programming. The professionally produced program will run Monday-Friday and is free of charge.

CPC approaches culture, politics, and current events according to the affirmation stated in the Kentucky Constitution that our civil, political and religious liberties come from God. “Apathy and ignorance are opposed to our founding principles,” Nelson said.  “The commentaries aim to dispel ignorance and tackle current issues in a thoughtful and engaging way.”

The Commonwealth Minute will be launched by 3 PM Friday, September 25. For more information please contact Richard Nelson at or call (270) 271-2713.

Director, Commonwealth Policy Center