Commonwealth Policy Center


CPC Is Pleased With the State Legislature Overriding Beshear’s Veto of SB 150
Date: March 30, 2023
Contact: Richard Nelson –

(Frankfort, KY) – CPC is pleased that the state legislature overrode Governor Beshear’s veto of SB 150 in overwhelming and bipartisan fashion. This legislation is important, practical, and will save many of Kentucky’s youth a lifetime of pain and regret from off-label “hormone therapy” and sex mutilation surgeries that they cannot properly assent to as a minor,” said CPC Executive Director, Richard Nelson.

“We are proud those legislators who stood strong on behalf of common sense and what is truly in the best interest of Kentucky’s children despite the rhetoric and the false narrative that this is anti-LGBTQ. We applaud the good work of both chambers and their leadership.”