Henderson SOGI Law Unfair, Unnecessary,

A majority of Henderson City Commissioners said they'd like to reconsider a "Fairness" ordinance that elevates sexual orientation and gender identity to civil rights status. Some see the move as promoting diversity and tolerance. Others see it as...

Miscarriage is not the same as abortion

Katie Vandegrift recently shared her story of losing three unborn children to miscarriage in a recent opinion column. Her pain and loss was deeply moving and deserves our compassion, but her personal story wasn't grounds for dismissing the need for SB 50, the...

Signs of Life in Kentucky’s Legislature

A flurry of pro-life bills are moving through the Kentucky legislature as swiftly as a Midwestern snowstorm in February, bringing alarm to those who believe the choice to carry a baby to term should be left to the pregnant mother and her doctor. For pro-lifers, such...

Rein in Oak Grove Casino Project

Ever hear the saying "hold your horses?" Well, it looks like West Kentucky Development Corp. needs to rein theirs' in. This is the partnership between Churchill Downs and Keeneland spearheading a new Standardbred track with up to 12 days of horse racing...

Life on Mars? Fetal Heartbeats on Earth

BBC Science Correspondent Jonathan Amos recently asked, "What chance has NASA of finding life on Mars?" He's referring to the Mars 2020 mission whose purpose is "to determine if life ever existed on Mars." Scientists studying the...

The True Gift of Christmas

According to Deloitte's 2018 Annual Retail Survey, American households will spend an average of $1536 on the holidays, up from $1,226 last year. Their analysts say American's are bullish on the economy. Altogether, we'll spend over $1.1 trillion in...

Somerset SOGI Proposal Unfair, Unnecessary

On December 10, hundreds of Somerset residents attended the city council meeting to register their opposition to a human rights ordinance that would  include sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) as a civil right. The idea behind the proposal is to...

Kentucky State House Races Nationalized

The robo-call I received the other day from Pres. Trump endorsing incumbent state House member Walker Thomas (R-Hopkinsville) confirmed that Kentucky's state House races have been nationalized. Similar calls went out in 29 state House districts last Wednesday and...

November’s High Stakes Election

The battle over U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh gives us a snapshot of the political left's rage and the energy they'll take into the November election. They're on the outside of Washington's political power and they're doing all they...

Pregnancy Care Centers Change Face of Communities

More often than not there are enterprises within our communities that we know nothing about. But when little-known organizations have an outsized impact on improving lives, it becomes obligatory for everyone to know. Such is the story of Kentucky's pregnancy care...

In God We Trust?

Does the National Motto belong in public school? State Rep. Brandon Reed (R-Hodgenville) thinks so. He's introducing a bill that would require every Kentucky public elementary and secondary school to display the motto "In God We Trust" in a prominent...

Gender Ideology Imposed on Preschoolers

I just learned a new term the other day: "theyby." Instead of saying boy or girl baby and referring to them as he or she, a few newly minted parents are calling their offspring "theybies" which is a gender-neutral term employed to shield the child...

Why the Rise in Disrespect?

We tend to compartmentalize our lives.  Our heads ache, yet we don’t consider the small amount of sleep we’ve had this week.  We feel sluggish, but have forgotten about the donuts we finished off a few hours ago.  A spouse or friend seems...

Creating a better Vibe in the Workplace

Do employees have a right to wear clothes that promote political messages? Even if those messages violate the beliefs of the business owner? Those questions are making state news. An Elizabethtown specialty food market owner asked one of her employees to not wear...