Analysis of Kentucky Governor’s Race

I wish that I could write you and tell you that we have a new conservative governor in Kentucky. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. It’s not for lack of trying because the CPC team and I worked overtime to help elect Daniel Cameron. We have much to learn...

11 Reasons I Voted for Daniel Cameron

I’ve known Daniel Cameron since before he was elected attorney general in 2019. I know him to be a man of principle, where his Christian convictions inform his policy positions. He will defend free markets, First Amendment principles, the rule of law over...

Whose Biblical Values?

Kentucky is a conservative state with a majority who identify as Christian. Since Andy Beshear first ran for governor in 2019, he’s made much of the fact that his grandfather and great-grandfather were Baptist preachers. “Love your neighbor as...

What Is Christian Nationalism?

Are 51.9% of Americans “Christian Nationalists?” That’s the claim made by a recent book: Taking America Back for God. Its authors, Samuel Perry and Andrew Whitehead, are regularly cited by mainstream media outlets as experts on Christian Nationalism, supposedly a...

Steward the Truth with Grace, not Condemnation

During CPC’s workshop, “LGBT Push in School and Culture: A Christian Response,” followers of Jesus are challenged to share their biblical values while having their words be seasoned with grace. Across this country, pastors, politicians and activists are rewarded with...

Beshear Resists Audit of Mishandled Funds

Controversy is brewing around the Beshear Administration regarding disaster relief funds being sent to people not affected by the 2021 tornados in West Kentucky and the 2022 floods in Eastern Kentucky. In February, several Kentuckians unaffected by the disasters...

Sen. Mills Balances GOP Ticket for Governor

Kentucky’s political suspense for the remaining spot on the November ballot officially ended at 9:30 Wednesday morning as the Republican candidate for governor, Daniel Cameron, announced his running mate for lieutenant governor—State Senator Robby Mills from...

JCPS Teachers Orchestrate Trans-Rights Protest

Jefferson County Public School teachers helped students organize a protest of SB 150 at the State Capitol on March 29th, according to emails obtained by Kentucky Today. SB 150 protects Kentucky school kids from controversial LGBT indoctrination in K-5 public school...

What Makes a Commonwealth?

Kentucky is one of four American states which have adopted the name “commonwealth.” There’s no legal difference between Virginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky and the other 46, but there’s a world of political significance in the word. According to Samuel...

KDE Guidance Fails Legislative Intent Test

School may be out for the summer, but Kentuckians are getting a front row seat to a lesson in political activism from the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE). Their new guidance regarding SB 150 is causing a commotion, leading some legislators to go back to the...

The Case Against Reparations

California’s Reparations Task Force recently released their recommendations on how to address America’s past sins of slavery and Jim Crow. Their answer is to pay every qualified black California resident up to $1.2 million in reparations. While this recommendation is...

Character Matters for Candidates

“School Choice!” “Fund Students, Not Schools!” These short quips have dominated the conversation about school reforms for quite some time, and they have merit. In just a few words, they convey the belief that public schools are deeply flawed and it is time to break up...