Sex Abuse at SBC

The Southern Baptist Convention is reeling after a six-month investigation revealed widespread sexual abuse in the church. The investigation by newspapers in San Antonio and Houston revealed that 380 church leaders victimized more than 700 people over a 20 year...

Kentucky’s Debt

There's been debate as to just how much debt the Commonwealth of Kentucky is in. State Auditor Mike Harmon recently issued a report where he estimates the overall debt is $54 billion and unfunded retirements account for more than 80 percent. That is $43.3 billion....

Valentines Day

Well men, if you haven't gotten chocolates and flowers for your wife, there's still time to do so. In case you forgot, it's Valentines Day today. Did you know that this holiday is named after an actual person who was persecuted by the Roman Emperor...

Born Alive Protection Act

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate called the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.  The law would protect newly born babies who survive an unsuccessful abortion attempt. It would only apply to rare circumstances but...

Poor People’s Campaign Protest

The Poor People’s Campaign was in Frankfort last week and protested a new policy that requires organizations wanting to assemble in the Capitol to submit an application at least ten days in advance of the event. Last year the group protested the idea that...

Forgiveness and Repentance

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is in the news again. This time for racist pictures in his medical-school yearbook. Now many are calling for his resignation. But should this incident, which happened over 30 years ago, require him to quit the governorship? The...

Finding Our Moral Center

Americans no longer share a common moral reference point. On one side of the political divide are those who believe that abortion should be protected by law, gender is determined by individuals, and illegal immigrants have a right to be here. On the other side of the...

Another Late-Term Abortion Proposal

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam stirred a controversy when he defended a bill that would allow unborn babies to be aborted up until birth. His said that infanticide for some babies might be acceptable and that “If a mother is in labor…the infant would be...

SCOTUS Upholds Transgender Ban in Military

The Supreme Court has reinstated President Trump's order to restrict transgender persons from serving in the military. The move was prompted by a concern to maintain optimum military readiness. Advocates of transgender rights said it was a human rights issue and...

State of the Union

The State of the Union Address is tonight. Since the government has reopened, Nancy Pelosi has invited President Trump to Capitol Hill to deliver the address to Congress. There will be talk about the economy, the middle east and need for a wall on our southern border....

NY Enshrines Abortion Rights in Constitution

New York amended its constitution to make abortion an absolute right. The new law permits non-physicians to perform abortions and allows abortions to be performed up until birth. It also repeals protections for babies that survive a botched abortion. In other words,...

Video Gambling Hasn’t Helped Illinois

Expanded gambling is often proposed as a solution to fix a state's budget deficit. This has been the case for Kentucky. For years we've been told that if we'd legalize casino gambling, tax them and just like magic, a new and easy revenue source appears....

Assisted Suicide

There's a movement in the United States to legalize assisted suicide. This is where doctors help kill their patients. The problem is that every doctor takes an oath to "first do no harm." Instead of helping their patients to heal or alleviate suffering...

Courier-Journal Criticizes Karen Pence

The Louisville Courier-Journal ran a story with the headline "Mike Pence's wife takes job at school that bans gay student's." The problem is that the story isn't true. The school does no such thing. However, it does expect its students and staff...

Our Overheated National Conversation

There's real fallout from unjustly blaming someone. This is the case with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann who was accused of mocking a native American protestor in Washington D.C. An edited and misleading video pegged Sandman as an aggressor toward the...

Covington Catholic

A group of Kentucky students made national headlines last week when they were caught on video at a Washington D.C. rally heckling a native American protestor. The story about the Covington Catholic students drew outrage and a national conversation about bigotry...

Another Harassment Scandal

The Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting released more details of a deposition alleging sexual harassment by former State House Speaker Jeff Hoover. A former House staffer testified to troubling details in her deposition. If they prove true, Hoover needs to...

Oak Grove Casino Hits Bump in the Road

Ever hear the saying "hold your horses?" Well, it looks like West Kentucky Development Corp. needs to reign theirs in. This is the group that was awarded a new racetrack license by the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission and announced they're building a new...

Roe v. Wade Anniversary

Forty-six years ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion. It was an overstep of the Constitution which resulted in an injustice that led to some 60 million unborn people who've not given an opportunity to live. But public opinion is changing. ...