LGBT Summer Reading

School is out and summer reading is in. And parents, what better place to take your kids for some new books than the public library? While there are a lot of great resources there, you might want to walk closely with your grade schooler through the children’s...

Court Upholds Cross

The U.S. Supreme Court handed down an important ruling that upheld the free speech and religious freedom rights of Bladensburg Maryland residents. The city had a cross in the public place that memorialized WW I veterans, but the American Humanist Association said it...

Too Much News

A survey last year found that most Americans are overwhelmed by all the news. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center 68 percent of Americans feel “overwhelmed by the amount of news there is.” Now, there’s always been a lot of news, but what we...

China Harvests Organs

A new independent report out of London revealed that that the Chinese government is targeting religious minorities and harvesting their organs. The report says that members of the outlawed group Falun Gong “were used for forced organ harvesting.” Now Falun Gong is a...

Marsy’s Law Struck Down

The Kentucky Supreme Court struck down Marsy’s Law. This was the constitutional amendment that shored up rights for crime victims. It updated our laws to include the right to be notified of court proceedings and whether a convicted criminal has been let out on...

Teen Vogue Legitimizes Prostitution

Teen Vogue recently ran a column entitled “Why Sex Work is Real Work.” Today, “sex work” is used synonymously with prostitution and the story uplifts it as a legitimate line of work. So how does a story like this get into a magazine targeted toward...

Reparations for Slavery

Democrats in Congress held a hearing on whether to set up a commission to study and respond to the question of reparations for slavery. A few Democratic presidential candidates appear to favor the idea. But a recent Fox News poll found that 60 percent of Americans...

Shutting Down Coal-Fired Plants

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is on a mission to make America green. He pledged $500 million to the Beyond Carbon initiative and their goal is to “phase out every last U.S. coal-fired power plant by 2030.” The group plans to pass laws that promotes...

Depravity of Man

British journalist and author Malcolm Muggeridge once said, “The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact.” If you don’t believe in the depravity of man—which...

KY’s Criminal Justice Challenges

Kentucky’s Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Public Safety John Tilley told lawmakers about challenges faced by the Corrections Department. Currently, close to 24,000 Kentuckians are behind bars and an additional 48,000 are on parole or probation. It takes a lot...

Foster Care Reform

Kentucky has over 9,000 kids in foster care, but if House Speaker Pro Tem David Meade has his way, that number will dwindle. Meade is a foster parent himself and he’s trying to do all he can to make it easier for Kentuckians to help children who need foster...

Sexual Abuse in the Church

One out of every six boys and one out of every four girls will be sexually abused before they turn 18 years old. That’s according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. It’s a tragic statistic. What is more troubling is the prevalence of sexual...

Is The View That Important?

An article in the New York Times stated; How ‘The View’ Became the Most Important Political TV Show in America. Now, if you’re not familiar with The View, it consists of liberal women commenting on current events and politics. The show isn’t...

Extreme Abortion Rhetoric

A wave of pro-life laws continues to sweep the nation. And the wave has caused alarm with abortion defenders. Most recently, United Nations deputy high commissioner for human rights, Kate Gilmore sharply condemned the laws as "hateful" and...

Tiananmen Square Anniversary

It's one of the most iconic pictures of the 20th century. A Chinese man stands directly in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square.  The year was 1989 and Chinese students protested their oppressive government, and this student in particular was willing to lay...

Finding Purpose in Life

A new study found that finding a purpose in life may decrease the risk of dying early. This is according to JAMA Current Open. Researchers gathered personal data from 7,000 Americans between the ages of 51 and 61 and they found that those without a strong life...

Paducah Considers Religious Freedom Amendment

Paducah city commissioners are considering two religious liberty amendments to a controversial ordinance that passed last year.  The original ordinance added gender identity and sexual orientation to its list of civil rights in areas of housing, employment,...

Hubble Telescope Discovery

When you look up to the sky on a starry night, ever get the feeling of being small? All those stars and the vastness of the universe tend to humble us. Well, the universe just a little bigger. Astronomers processed 16 years’ worth of photos and data from the...