Thoughts on a New Year

The beginning of a New Year is a great time to take inventory on the last year and ask yourself how you can make the upcoming year even better, which doesn’t seem too hard to do considering 2020 was dominated by coronavirus—a year of sickness, death, and...

New Year’s Resolutions

If you’re like nearly half of America you’ll make some kind of New Year resolution. Maybe you’ve resolved to eat better, exercise more, or spend more time with family. G.K. Chesterton, quipped that resolutions are “something that goes in one...

Civil Conversations in New Year

Earlier this month former U.S. cybersecurity official Christopher Krebs rejected Pres. Trump’s claim that the election was rigged. Joe diGenova, one of Trump’s election lawyers said Krebs should be “drawn and quartered. Taken out at dawn and shot.”...

Politics isn’t Everything

The Kentucky General Assembly begins next Tuesday and we’ll see a bunch of bills trying to fix things. But another law isn’t always the answer. French philosopher Jacques Ellul warned about making everything political. He called this the “political...

Between Christmas and New Year’s

Now that Christmas is behind us we look forward to celebrating a new year. Many of us will make resolutions, gather with family and friends to usher in the new year, and hope for better things to come in 2021. We all long for an end to the deadly coronavirus and the...

Christmas Day

Seven hundred years before the birth of Christ, the prophet Isaiah told about the coming Messiah. In chapter 9 of the book of Isaiah, it says “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has...

Christmas Eve

Christmas is one of our most anticipated holidays, especially for kids and especially all of the presents. Have you ever wondered why it is we give gifts at Christmas? It’s symbolic of God’s generosity and his giving to us. You see, God is a giver. He...

Federal Protect Women’s Sports Act Introduced

The Federal Save Women’s Sports Act has been introduced by Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Most notable is that she’s a Democratic and most in her party are opposed. The bill prohibits public schools from allowing biological boys to compete in girl’s sports....

Supreme Court Fines Online Gambling Company $1.3B

The Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that PokerStars, the illegal online gambling site owes the state nearly $1.3 billion. Gov. Andy Beshear praised the ruling. In fact, he acknowledged that the fine won’t be enough “to make up for the damage to Kentucky...

Pro-Life Amendment Filed

Kentucky State Rep. Joseph Fischer has pre-filed an amendment to the Kentucky Constitution clarifying that abortion is not a constitutional right and public funds aren’t to be spent on abortion. Several states have passed a similar amendment including Alabama,...

UK Pushes Against Child Gender Transition

There’s been a push to allow children to determine their own gender but this idea is now getting pushback in Great Britain. A landmark ruling from the U.K. High Court requires doctors to seek a court order to initiate gender transition through puberty blockers...

Violence Surges in Louisville

The government shutdowns have precipitated a mental health crisis as we’ve never experienced before. Depression, addiction, and domestic violence are increasing and in some communities, spiraling out of control. The latest statistics from the latest Louisville...

Bill Watch 2021

The Commonwealth Policy Center had the privilege of working on two of the pro-life pieces of legislation passed in the 2019  legislative session. However, the distraction of a global pandemic kept much of the needed legislation from passing in 2020. As a result, CPC...

Churches are Essential

There’s a debate raging as to how essential churches are to our communities. In states, like New York and California, they’ve been classified as non-essential. But are they? Churches are essential to our communities, not just to help meet the physical...

Is there Merit in Texas Lawsuit?

Texas attorney general is asking the Supreme Court to overturn the presidential election in four states won by Joe Biden because the election procedures diluted the votes of Texans. I’ve talked to a few Kentuckians lately who are wondering why our attorney...

Vaccines Coming to KY

There’s good news for Kentucky in our battle against coronavirus. The first approved vaccines will be arriving across the state in just a few days. Gov. Beshear announced that 11 Kentucky hospitals across the Commonwealth will receive the first doses of the...

SCOTUS Blocks California’s Attack on Religious Freedom

The First Amendment guarantees religious liberty for every American. But the US Supreme Court had to remind California Governor Gavin Newsome of this. Unfortunately, he banned most in-person church services. At the same time, he allowed similar venues to remain open...

Look Up this Advent

COVID-19 has taken its toll on our already frayed nerves. Throw in a bitter and divisive political season and you have the perfect recipe for a big helping of personal frustration and civil discord. So where do we turn? In times of crisis and turmoil where hope seems...

Conversion Therapy Ban Overruled

The 11th District Circuit Court overturned two laws in Florida that would have banned counselors from helping their patients overcome unwanted LGBT identities. Boca Raton and Palm Beach County banned what is called conversion therapy. Florida counselors Robert Otto...