Is Westport Middle School Training Political Activists?

Westport Middle School in Louisville announced an opportunity for students to meet legislators and a gay rights activist. The purpose was to teach them how to write letters to their legislators, but the intent was controversial. The activity comes in the wake of...

Human Eggs for Profit?

A journalist at Spectator recently reported that her social media news feed is filled with random advertisements encouraging women to sell their eggs to egg banks for profit. In England, they are paid 750 pounds, which is about $924 for their eggs. Allan Pacey, a...

The Difference between Censorship and Common Sense

Should controversial books that promote LGBT activity be banned from school libraries? That is the question several states are wrestling with, including Kentucky. I recently debated a representative from the ACLU, who was opposed to removing these books. She cried...

Is KDE’s Role to Promote LGBT Identity?

Gov. Beshear vetoed SB 150, which in part, keeps public school children from being sexualized through curriculum normalizing LGBT identity. The Kentucky Department of Education is also opposed. Both have conflated affirming the humanity of kids and disagreeing with...

Federal judge heckled into silence at Stanford

A federal judge was heckled into silence at Stanford University. Justice Kyle Duncan, a judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, was invited by the university’s Federalist Society to speak. During Judge Duncan’s speech, protestors interrupted him, calling...

Jacksonville Florida Compels Preferred Pronoun Usage

A bookstore owner is taking the city of Jacksonville, Florida to court. Christie DeTrude, owner of Queen of Angels, a Catholic bookstore, believes what the Bible teaches about sex and gender. She wants to make it an official store policy to refer to people according...

Resist the Cancel Culture Mob

If you’ve ever been on social media sites, then you’re familiar with what happens to people who express politically incorrect opinions. They’re often canceled. This is when hundreds of people pile on, and accuse the unsuspecting of heinous...

Walmart Set to Close Portland Stores due to Theft

Walmart is closing its remaining stores in Portland, Oregon. The decision comes in response to the city’s refusal to prosecute shoplifting. Walmart’s CEO Doug McMillion warned in December that theft is an issue and if authorities don’t do something about it, prices...

Proposal Would Prevent China from Purchasing Ky Land

International tension between the U.S. and China is making its way into the Commonwealth. House Bill 500 would prevent China from buying land in Kentucky. As if spying on our nation through Tik Tok and by a weather balloon isn’t enough, now China is trying to buy land...

Religious Freedom Protections Move in Ky House

Religious freedom is on the docket in the Kentucky State House. House Bill 570, sponsored by Representative Chris Fugate (R-Chaviess), would allow teachers to express their religious convictions openly. It was inspired by a Supreme Court case involving a high school...

California Bullies Business Over Abortion Policy

California Governor Gavin Newsom suspended a $54 million contract with Walgreens after they announced they would not send abortion drugs through the mail to states that prohibit this. Kentucky has a similar law. Newsom said that he won’t do business with...

The Crisis of Manhood

Men are in crisis in our country. 63% of young men are single. Only 27% of men report having 6 or more close friends. Young men commit suicide at 4 times the rate of young women, and they’re more violent. These statistics tell us that an increasing number of men...

Should Sexually Oriented Performances Happen in Public Places?

I testified before a legislative committee on a bill (SB 115) addressing sexually oriented performances in public places where children are present. I told the Senate Veterans Military Affairs and Public Protection Committee that public drag performances that mimic...

U.S. Dept of Education Removes Religious Freedom Protections 

The U.S. Department of Education proposed regulations that would allow public universities to treat religious student organizations differently than other student organizations. The issue boils down to religious groups being exempt from university nondiscrimination...

Oregon Proposes to Give Homeless $1000/Month

Is free money the way to treat homelessness? Oregon says yes. They’re considering a bill that would give homeless and low-income people $1,000 a month. Though well-intentioned, this bill fails to address the root causes of homelessness, which are mental illness...

Brokenness in LBGT Community

An ACLU staffer asked me while passing in the Capitol annex if I was happy with a couple of victories that pushed back against the sexual revolution. My response was that I saw a lot of brokenness on both sides of the issues. There was anger and sadness as transgender...

Illinois Residents Can Alter Birth Certificate

Should people be allowed to change the sex indicated on their birth certificate? That issue isn’t theoretical anymore. Illinois, Governor JB Pritzker signed a bill into law that says that Illinois residents can unilaterally change their own sex status on their...