Political storm brewing

Tropical Storm Isaac is drenching the GOP National Convention resulting in postponement of activities for a day. Prediction: this storm will bring it will be more than wet weather to the region. It is a useful metaphor to describe the escalating political fury and...

Do we need an anti-straight hate crimes law?

The news out of Washington D.C. earlier today was chilling. At 10:45 this morning an angry man shouting negative slurs about pro-family activity in the Family Research Council lobby opened fire and wounded a security guard. Floyd Corkins II was subdued and taken into...

Romney gets his man

Earlier today Mitt Romney announced that Rep.Paul Ryan (R-WI) will be his VP running mate. The pick couldn’t have been any better. Ryan is an articulate defender of founding principles, the right to life, and limited government. He understands that the fiscal...

Everyone is Talking About Chick-Fil-A

Everyone is talking about Chik-Fil-A, and not about the food.  The recent controversy that has opened up around the same-sex marriage debate has demonstrated several important truths that conservatives must observe. First, being careful with our words is...

Moral relativism on menu at U of L

U of L president James Ramsey’s and Provost Shirley Willihnganz’ boycott of  Chick- fil-A for its “offensive and unecessary” view on marriage hit a cultural nerve as tender as the famous chicken sandwiches sold on their campus. U of L is...

Dark Night Rising

It has been one of the saddest news cycles in recent times. Two men— one who thinks he’s the Joker and went on a killing rampage and another who hid behind a different mask and lured young boys into unthinkable acts, left our hearts heavy and our...

ACA Ruling

Now that the dust has settled over the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) its time to discern where we stand and also ask how did reliably conservative justice John Roberts side with the consistently liberal wing of the court?  Roberts rejected...

Super PACs not to blame for political ills

            After Republican Congressional Candidate Thomas Massie won the seven-way primary for Kentucky’s 4th Congressional district, opponents were quick to cry foul because of a super PAC that poured...

Rally for Religious Freedom

 Rally for Religious Freedom at Moreland Park Owensboro, June 8, 2012  Remarks by Richard Nelson of the Commonwealth Policy Center: Good afternoon. It is good to see so many here today to gather and rally to support our most precious freedom—freedom of...

What does Walker’s victory mean for November?

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker pulled a big win in yesterday’s recall election beating Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett by a 53-46 margin. I actually met the guy in 1997 when I briefly worked for another legislator in the Wisconsin Capitol. After Walker left a...

Primary Analysis

Primary update The biggest news in the Kentucky primary was that Barack Obama was beaten in 67 counties by a candidate named “Uncommitted.” If it weren’t for Lexington and Louisville, he would have lost Kentucky.  Political science guru, Larry...

Right Recipe for Marriage Includes God in the Mix

Between an inmate receiving 41 percent of the vote in the West Virginia primary over President Barack Obama and six-term Indiana Senator Richard Luger’s ousting by a Tea Party darling, gay marriage remains the topic du jour after last week’s saucy mix of...

Casino Legislation Sweetheart Deal for the Elite

They say love is blind, but when it’s coupled with the prospect of landing on easy street, it sometimes appears downright irresistible. On Valentine’s Day, Governor Beshear, flanked by several senators in the Capitol rotunda, channeled all the touchy...