Fifty years after King civil rights still denied

It is rare when a triumvirate of significant political events and issues converge within a 24 hour period. It is rarer even still when a profound thread runs through all three. Fifty years ago Martin Luther King Jr. with eloquence and determination delivered a speech...

Values at heart of gun debate

Guns have been the hottest topic of debate since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown Connecticut. In response to the horrific tragedy that has gripped our hearts, President Obama  issued yesterday 23 executive orders which expands background checks,...

Three Illinois legislators facing criminal charges

SPRINGFIELD, IL – When a new General Assembly takes the oath of office later in the day, its ranks will include three lawmakers facing criminal charges. Former state Rep. Derrick Smith heads back to Springfield on Wednesday. The Democrat was arrested on bribery...

CPC endorses Bam Carney

The Commonwealth Policy Center endorsed Bam Carney (R-Cambellsville) after he signed and agreed to fight for core principles integral to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Rep. Carney has taken a strong stand for life, marriage, religious freedom and sound fiscal policies....

POLITICO touts Social Conservative Efforts

The national publication, POLITICO, discussed the political efforts of social conservatives. Titled, "Social Conservative Make Big Money Plans," the article highlighted efforts by national family groups to help keep their party and their candiates...

Christmas offers hope in midst of tragedy

In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting that touched us so deeply, it’s daunting to comment since the wounds are still tender. Parents with tear-stained faces deserve our comfort and compassion. The Newtown community needs our support as they...

CPC endorse Gregory for special Senate election

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: December 6, 2012 Contact: Richard Nelson (270) 719-1640 Commonwealth Policy Center endorses Sara Beth Gregory for vacant state Senate seat   Cadiz, KY— The Commonwealth Policy Center endorsed State Representative Sara Beth...

1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation

National Day of Thanksgiving Proclamation October 3, 1863 By the President of the United States   The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly...

Kentucky Family Values

The Super PAC calling itself Kentucky Family Values has run some vicious ads against Republican candidates. Demeaning a political opponent is not a Kentucky value. Nor is  a hefty chunk of  the money used to fund the ads from Kentucky. According to a recent...

Politics scarier to children than Halloween

The YouTube video gone viral of four-year old Abigael Evans crying after listening to a news story on the presidential race beautifully captures our collective political temperament. Abigael, who lives in the battleground state of Colorado, apparently melted down...

Test of Fire

Please take a moment and check out this video that puts the 2012 election into perspective. It takes 3 minutes and it will move you. After you watch it, please share it with your friends....

Letter to Editor regarding Graves County Voter Guide

Here is a letter to the Mayfield Messenger regarding the voter guide we recently inserted into that paper. One of the candidates is claiming they never received the questionnaire. I still haven't heard back from the editor as to whether they will publish the...

Party Platforms

Just in case you were wondering, there is a difference between Democrat and Republican party platforms. On foundational issues of abortion, marriage, taxes and redistributing wealth, there is a stark contrast between the two parties. Click on the links below to read...

Presidential debate

Mitt Romney won yesterday’s debate so handily that left of center media spent much of the day trying to explain why President Obama’s performance was less than stellar.  It could be summed up by one of Romney’s lines: "Mr. President, you...

Politics is not a spectator sport

            The biggest news in the sports world over the past three weeks regards replacement referees in the NFL. Complaints over poor officiating reached a fever pitch after a horrendous last-second call cost my...

Implications of gay marriage real

State Senator Perry Clark (D-Louisville) recently told CN2 Pure Politics that gay marriage isn't the issue it was in 2004 when it was placed on the ballot. Clark, who is up for reelection this year, has migrated from his conservative roots and is supporting among...

al Qaeda, the elections and civility

In the wake of violent unrest in the Middle East, it is hard to not reflect on what we have in terms of civility in our public square. As most know, our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, was killed after the U.S. Embassy in Libya was stormed by militia on September, 11....

Is God invited to the party?

Controversy of including God in the Democratic Party Platform raises bigger question of God’s place in politics and government         Does God have a place in the platform of a political party? It depends upon whom you ask. On day two of the...

Geary taking a gamble on slots

Ellis Park owner Ron Geary announced that he is opening up a new facility today in Henderson that will house 187 "instant racing" machines. They are just like slot machines but purportedly based on previously run horse races.  If they are anything like...