A Nation in Decline

In the wake of gun violence, politicians are calling for more gun control, but will more restrictions really make anyone safer? Dare I say that our problem is not primarily with guns, but it is one of the human heart? Our nation is in moral freefall and if there was...

The Fireworks Over Gun Control

In a few days, Americans will celebrate our nation's birth by shooting loud fiery projectiles that sparkle and whizz and explode in the air.  Colorful and dramatic as fireworks are, why not just celebrate with a nice dinner and exchange presents? Simply...

On Civility and Tolerance from a Gay Attorney

Here is an interesting response to my recent column on Orlando and the Politics of Vilification. This is from a Louisville attorney who identifies as gay and supports the idea of civility and tolerance. Quite frankly, I didn't expect this, and was moved to reprint...

Gay Marriage One year Anniversary

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling which legalized same-sex marriage.  Before it was legalized, it was "live and let live." and we were asked "How would someone's gay marriage affect your straight...

Dueling Lawsuits

Gov. Bevin's first six months in office have been marked by lawsuit after lawsuit. First it was Attorney General Andy Beshear who sued over budget cuts to Kentucky Universities. Then it was House Speaker Greg Stumbo who sued over the Governor's vetoes, then...

Does Disagreement Equal Hate?

Does disagreement equal hate? According to the New York Times, it just might. In an editorial published 3 days after almost 50 people were murdered at a gay nightclub in Orlando, the Times argued that Republicans and other conservatives who disagreed with same-sex...

Orlando and the Politics of Vilification

Less than 24-hours after one of the worst mass shootings in our nation's history, political opportunists fired up rhetoric that grated our already raw emotions. "If only there were better gun control laws." "If only less anti-gay...

Drug Overdose Deaths Up in KY

The number of drug overdose deaths in Kentucky reached a new record high in 2015. According to the Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy, a total of 1,248 people died of drug overdoses. And the number is likely to climb due to incomplete reporting. One reason for the...

Orlando and the Politics of Blame

Less than 24-hours after one of the worst mass shootings in our nation's history, political opportunists fired up rhetoric that grated our already raw emotions. "If only there were better gun control laws." "If only less anti-gay...

Me Before You

The film “Me About You” has been doing well with audiences at the box office. Even though its a well told story, its underlying worldview is troubling. The hero of “Me Before You” is a handsome, wealthy young man who falls in love with a young...

Ali Laid to Rest

One of Kentucky’s most iconic figures was laid to rest today. Muhammad Ali, a Louisville native, was widely considered one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century and arguably the most gifted heavyweight champion of all time. But he wasn’t just known...

Questionable Use of Tax $$ at UK

Ever wonder what your tax dollars are supporting at our universities? Much of it is good but some of it is undoubtedly questionable and sometimes downright offensive. At the University of Kentucky, some of it goes to gay political activism. The college Office of LGBTQ...

Language Police in NYC

You'd better watch what you say in New York City because if you're a business or landlord and say the wrong thing or more specifically—use the wrong pronoun, it could cost you. A lot. The NYC Commission on Human Rights recently updated its discrimination...

Memorial Day Controversy in Georgia

Happy Memorial Day! It's a day to honor the men and women who've made great sacrifice so that we might live in freedom. It's a time of commemoration and appreciation but unfortunately, for a small city in Georgia it turned into controversy when the mayor...

Millenials Living at Home

A recent report by the Pew Research Center finds that more millennials are living at home than in any other living arrangement. Nearly 1/3 of 18-34 year olds today are still living with their parents. The main reason is that they're not getting married like...

Jim Craig’s True Heroics

Do you believe in miracles? Those were the words of sports announcer Al Michaels when he was calling the last seconds of the US hockey team's unlikely victory over the Soviet Union in the 1980 winter Olympics. It was a generation-defining moment and symbolic for...

More on Transgender Craze

Just when you think you've heard the last word on the transgender craze, another bombshell comes out of Washington. This time its from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services which now considers gender identity protected by law under the 1964 Civil Rights...

Drafting Girls into Military Nixed

What if your daughter received a notice from the federal government on her 18th birthday that she must sign up to make herself available to the draft? Well, that's no longer a hypothetical as a measure in Congress was narrowly defeated to prevent that reality, at...

The Department of Education and Our Identity Crisis

America's education establishment left the world of objective reality on Friday, when the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) politicized public school bathrooms and sided with biological revisionists by demanding that public school students be allowed to use...