Students Kneel at Sporting Event

The headline of the Kentucky New Era said: Kneeling students won't be punished. No, these students weren't praying. They kneeled during the national anthem at a recent sporting event in Todd County —purportedly to protest injustice. Many parents...

Planned Parenthood Celebrates 100 Years,

Last weekend, Planned Parenthood and its allies celebrated the organization’s 100th birthday. President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other abortion defenders publicly praised Planned Parenthood for its work and commemorated its milestone. For pro-choice...

Pastors must speak to politics

Should pastors get political? That's a question many are asking. When it comes to speaking to moral and social issues from a biblical perspective, it's a pastors duty. It's unreasonable to expect ministers to piece together lives of shattered people...

Reviving Public Discourse

The presidential debate represents a coarsened public discourse that has been going on for years. Much of today's political dialogue involves painting the opposition as anti-American as possible.  People with sincerely held beliefs are casually dismissed as...

The Demise of Civil Discourse

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were  famously opposed to each other in their political views. Adams found Jefferson’s radicalism dangerous; Jefferson believed Adams’ federalism tended toward tyranny. But despite their differences, the second and...

Another Guilty Plea

A longtime Democratic operative pled guilty to a kickback scandal last week. Political consultant Larry O’Bryan confessed that he acted as the middleman in an illegal scheme with Tim Longmeyer,  Governor Beshear's former Personnel Cabinet...

Ky Constitution on Religious Freedom

Kentucky has some of the strongest laws in the country protecting religious freedom. Article 5 in Kentucky's Bill of Rights prohibits any preferential treatment of one religion over another. The Constitution restricts the state from favoring any creed or mode of...

Frankfort’s New Fiscal Watchdog

You know the common campaign slogan about cutting "waste, fraud and abuse"? Well, there's a new auditor in Frankfort who's been following through with that promise. State Auditor Mike Harmon released his audit of the Department of Criminal Justice...

RPK asks Candidate to Drop Out

So what is a political party to do when one of their candidates posts racist and derogatory comments on social media sites? They ask them to drop out of the race. Such is the case with Republican candidate Dan Johnson who is running for Kentucky's 49th House seat....

AP Charges Bevin with Politicizing Pastors

The two topics to avoid in polite company are religion and politics. At least that's what we're told. So when the AP got a hold of a leaked video of Gov. Bevin speaking to a group of pastors and encouraging them to boldly speak to the social issues of the day...

What’s Wrong With Pastors Getting Political?

The two topics to avoid in polite company are religion and politics, and pastors shouldn't speak about the latter. At least that's what we're told. So when the Associated Press (AP) got a hold of a leaked video of Gov. Bevin encouraging a group of pastors...

Dictatorship of Relativism

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger  warned prior to becoming Pope Benedict, “we are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and .. has as its highest goal one’s own ego and one’s own...

KY Court Overrules Bevin’s Cuts to Universities

The Kentucky State Supreme Court ruled that  Gov. Matt Bevin didn't have the authority to make unilateral cuts to Kentucky Universities.  The high court overturned a lower court ruling that ruled in his favor. There are four other lawsuits involving the...

Baby Born with DNA from 3 Parents

A team of American scientists reported the birth of a child with the DNA from three biological parents. This is a world first, but controversy is surrounding the news. Scientists intended to produce a healthy child for a mother who had a rare genetic abnormality, so...

NFL and Right to Protest

The NFL season is in full swing and the discussion revolves around players who are sitting down during the national anthem. The protest is over racial injustice and several TV and radio personalities are coming to the players defense. Of course, every American,...

U.S. Navy’s War on Gender

The American military is famous for its intense and effective training, training that emphasizes respect, honor, and courage. But under the Obama administration, US armed forces have begun to train in a new area: Gender re-education. In a message addressed to the...

Churches’ Religious Freedom Threatened

A governmental agency in Massachusetts said that churches “open to the public” must allow crossdressers to use restrooms of the opposite sex.  You heard that correctly. Crossdressing men in Massachusetts can lawfully enter women restrooms in any...

NCAA Pulls Tournaments from NC

The NCAA announced they are pulling college tournaments out of North Carolina because of their position on transgender bathrooms.  The Atlantic Coast Conference followed suit and is pulling post-season events, including the football championship game, from the...