Japanese Face Jail Time for Online Insults

Japan is cracking down on online insults. It’s now against the law to post insults online. Those found in violation will face up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $2200. We all know that people don’t always think before they post their comments. In...

Ky Department of Education Engages in LGBT Advocacy

The Kentucky Department of Education is now officially engaging in LGBT Advocacy. Last week it launched an initiative called Building Safe and Supportive Schools for LGBTQI+ Students. They advocate “an inclusive curriculum… that is affirming to all students....

Ky Abortion Ban Blocked by Judge 

Since the Dobbs ruling overturned Roe v Wade, a total of 46 abortion clinics have closed across the country. This is because 10 states have restricted abortion through legislative action. However, Kentucky’s abortion ban was blocked by a circuit judge in Louisville....

Illinois Mass Shooting: Are More Gun Laws the Answer?

What was supposed to be a day of celebrating our nation’s independence turned into a day of mourning in Chicago. At the July 4th parade in Highland Park, seven people were shot dead and many others were injured by a gunman. Unsurprisingly, Illinois’ Democratic...

ACLU Challenges Ky Abortion Ban

The ACLU dropped two lawsuits intending to overturn pro-life laws. That’s because they have no basis after Roe v Wade was overturned. However, they’re challenging Kentucky’s Trigger Law, which makes abortion a felony. The ACLU and their allies are arguing that...

SCOTUS Ruling on Maine Religious Schools

The Supreme Court ruled that the state of Maine can’t exclude religious schools from their tuition assistance program. In the 6-3 decision, the Court determined that if states subsidize private schools, then parents should have the right to send their kids to a...

SCOTUS Sides with Praying Coach

The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of a football coach to pray with his team. High school football coach Joseph Kennedy was fired for praying with his team after football games, but the Court said the school was wrong to fire him. The Court said, “The Constitution...

Roe v Wade is History

Roe v Wade is history. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down one of the most controversial rulings in our nation’s history–a ruling that federalized abortion policy and said women have a right to abort their babies. The Court said in its majority opinion that “Roe was...

Happy Independence Day 2022

Today is Independence Day. 246 years ago today, America’s founders declared Independence from England when 56 men came together in Philadelphia to sign their names to one of the greatest political documents ever written. The Declaration of Independence listed...

May Tops Record for Illegal Immigrant Arrests

Illegal immigration at the southern border continues to spiral out of control. In the month of May 240,000 illegal immigrants were arrested, the highest monthly total on record. So why be concerned? Victor Davis Hansen says that a country must maintain its borders if...