Is Abortion the Solution to Economic Hardship?

Is abortion the solution to economic hardship? According to Stacey Abrams, the answer is yes. Abrams is a candidate running for governor in Georgia, and she recently said that “Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas, it’s why you’re...

45% of Protect Ky Access Funded by ACLU, Planned Parenthood

Amendment #2 proposes to stop activist judges from inventing a right to abortion. So far, $3 million has been raised to defeat the measure and most of the money is coming from out of state. In fact, $2,514,000 or 83 percent comes from out of state interests. A total...

Biden’s Pot Pardon

Pres. Biden pardoned all prior federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana. While this might sound good, there are two issues with this pardon. People are not being thrown into federal prison for simple possession of marijuana. It’s a misdemeanor. First-time...

Opposition to Immoral Books Cuts Across Religious Spectrum

Parents in Dearborn, Michigan showed up to a local school board meeting to air their concerns over books in their public school libraries that are sexually explicit, promote pornography, and the LGBT lifestyle. Christian parents were not the only ones who voiced their...

Louisville Opens Pride Center

Last week was National Coming Out Day, and the Louisville Pride Center promoted the day as a community reminder to encourage inclusivity, value diversity, and support LGBT people. The center provides resources for the LGBTQ+ community, including name-change clinics,...

Ky Supreme Court Hears Suit on Educational Choice

The Kentucky Supreme Court heard a case on whether a private educational foundation can receive private money to distribute to families searching for school choice for their children. At issue is whether donors to the foundation should receive a tax credit. The...