Ky AG Coleman Stands for Women’s Sports

The Biden administration has turned the historical understanding of Title IX on its head. Gender identity is now a protected status, meaning biological males can play women’s sports. But many states are pushing back, including Kentucky. Our public schools...

Driverless Trucks on Texas Roads

Thousands of self-driving trucks will be on American roads over the next few years. These autonomous vehicles have many advantages: continuous operation, better fuel economy, and faster delivery times. Proponents argue they’ll actually be safer because human...

Practical Christianity in Politics

I moderated a candidate forum the other day where both candidates for the State House indicated they were Christians. However, during the debate, one of the candidates viciously slandered and attacked his opponent. This didn’t go well with the audience or with...

SCOTUS Ruling Could Impact Ky’s Public Camping Ban

Earlier this year, the Kentucky General Assembly passed the Safer Kentucky Act. One of the law’s provisions is a ban of homeless encampments in public places. Last year, the city of Louisville spent $842,000 cleaning up encampments our of concerns to preserve health...

DEA Set to Declassify Pot

The Biden Administration’s Drug Enforcement Agency has decided to reclassify marijuana as a safer drug. Formerly pot was classified as a Schedule I drug (like heroin). The DEA is now classifying marijuana will a Schedule III drug (like regulated steroids). Some...

University Leaders Acquiesce to Anti-semitism

Student protests in support of Palestine are breaking out on college campuses across the nation. Protesters, including students at Columbia University, have taken over buildings and disrupted classes.  College students have a history of protesting. Of course,...

Church Attendance Declining

According to a Lifeway Research study, church attendance is dropping. In fact, 31 percent of Americans say they never attend religious services, while only 21 percent say they attend every week. Christianity teaches that church is a community where those who confess...

Election Workers Fear for Their Safety

A nationwide survey of election officials found that three-quarters said harassment and violent threats have increased since the 2020 presidential race. The threats are from people believing the election system is corrupt. The Committee for Safe and Secure Elections...

Surrogacy is Under-regulated and Unaccountable

Child surrogacy is dangerous and morally concerning, and in the United States it’s “under-regulated and unaccountable.” World magazine writer Emma Watters explains in a recent column that surrogate mothers carry and give birth to a couple’s child for pay. And in the...

NBA Bans Player for Life for Gambling

The NBA issued a lifetime ban to Toronto Raptors player Jontay Porter for sharing confidential information to sports bettors and altering his performance for money. Porter informed a bettor about his personal health and took himself out of a game, potentially to...