Censorship from the Left

A Canadian public school recently removed half of the books in its library in an attempt to make the resources more inclusive. Erindale Secondary School got rid of books such as the diary of Anne Frank and The Hunger Games. The school system reasoned that its decision...

GOP Legislators Consider Splitting Up JCPS

In the aftermath of Jefferson County’s school bus fiasco, a group of state legislators are wondering if the school district is simply too big. Twelve Republicans from the Louisville area signed an open letter last month asking for a special legislative session to...

Beshear Ad Criticizes Cameron For Being…Consistently Pro-life?

Gov. Andy Beshear’s recent campaign ad attacked Daniel Cameron for his consistent pro-life views. The ad argues that Cameron’s opposition to abortions in the cases of rape and incest is “extreme” and “dangerous.” Rape and incest are illegal, and perpetrators should be...

Beshear Expands High Speed Internet Access, But Is It Worth It?

Last week, Gov. Andy Beshear announced a $386 million plan to expand high-speed internet to isolated areas of Kentucky. Beshear is using money from President Biden’s COVID relief plan, which partially funds this. But is this good stewardship of public resources? The...

Public School Pays up for Gender Transitioning 6th Grader

What happens when a public school engages in the social gender transition of a sixth-grader without telling the parents? In the case of a California middle school, the mother sued. Jessica Konen learned that her 12 year old daughter’s middle school referred to...

Legalized Sports Betting is Launching

Today is the first day Kentuckians can legally place bets on sporting events. Many gamblers are enthusiastic. But not every Kentuckian shares the same sentiments. The rising popularity of sports gambling in America has been accompanied by dramatic rise in gambling...

Maryland Court: Parents Can’t Opt Out of LGBT Curriculum

A federal court ruled that parents in Montgomery County, Maryland cannot opt out their children from LGBT curriculum in public schools. The parents tried to reinstate a school district policy for a religious exemption for elementary schoolers from reading books with...

Fifth Circuit and Mifepristone

The Food and Drug Administration overstepped its authority by minimizing regulations for the popular abortion pill mifepristone. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals didn’t outlaw the drug, but simply acknowledged the dangerous side-effects which preclude it being...

Sunrise Children’s Services Wins in Court

Sunrise Children’s Services, one of Kentucky’s oldest Christian childcare agencies, has successfully defended itself from a legal attack because of its religious convictions about gender and human sexuality. The issue involved an employee who openly identified...