Need More Leaders to Deal with Covid Pandemic

Back in February, caution was in order, as we knew little about the COVID-19 but in light of what we know now, it’s clear that other leaders besides Gov. Beshear could have played an influential role in helping to elevate safety while minimizing disruptive...

NY Times Enforces Ideological Uniformity

Journalism is in a bad place, especially over at The New York Times where another opinion editor was squeezed out. Bari Weiss resigned because of a hostile work environment and harassment by people who disagreed with her opinions. Weiss said, “Intellectual...

Illinois Tax Collections Smoking

The state of Illinois has found a lucrative new tax source: recreational pot. Since January 1, Illinois has collected $52 million in taxes from the newly legalized drug. The state will receive $34.7 million in excise taxes and sales taxes will account for $18. This...

Ky AG Asks Court to Block Beshear’s Orders

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron filed a motion to block Gov. Beshear’s executive orders where he argued that the orders exceed Beshear’s authority as governor, violate the state Constitution and are unequally applied among Kentucky residents....

Unintended Consequences of Shelter in Place Orders

Gov. Beshear secured the Accounting firm Ernst and Young to help tens of thousands of Kentuckians get their first unemployment check. Some have waited since March. Besides the hardships on 900,000 Kentuckians who couldn’t work due to the governor’s...

Mail-In Voting in November?

Kentucky just had the largest number of mail-in votes for an election in history. Of course, this was due to the majority of polling places being closed due to COVID-19. Now, a lawsuit has been filed to make the November election entirely vote by mail. Critics say...

Liberals Oppose Cancel Culture

There’s a new term in our vocabulary called cancel culture. It’s an act of ostracizing and canceling out a person or group from social media platforms. Instead of discussing an idea one might disagree with, they attack the person by mocking, bullying, and...

SCOTUS Strikes Down Louisiana Pro-life Law

A Louisiana law required any medical professionals performing a surgical procedure to have to admit privileges to a local hospital. This is to ensure the health and safety of a patient who might need access to the hospital if something went wrong. The law also applies...

Beshear Orders Mandatory Masks

Gov. Andy Beshear ordered all Kentuckians to wear a mask when in public places. As expected, the move is controversial. He exempted those with certain health conditions. But for the rest of us that go to grocery stores, restaurants, or retail outlet, we won’t be...