Medical Marijuana the Wrong Way

Marijuana as medicine is moving in the Kentucky legislature but before we jump on the bandwagon, we should make sure we are using the same definitions so that we don’t talk past each other. Most people think when you say medical marijuana that a doctor is prescribing...

Good Medicine is Based on Biology

Should children be able to determine their own gender? A group of health professionals who provide care for transgender patients in Kentucky think so. In a recent op-ed in the Lexington Herald-Leader, 13 medical professionals consisting of medical doctors, nurses,...

Legislation Could Limit Faith-Based Counselors

Last week, the New York Times reported on a Kentucky Senate bill banning conversion therapy, a controversial technique whose extreme practitioners employ abusive practices to force change on those struggling with various sexual orientations. The bipartisan bill—SB 85,...

Christmas’ Real Gift

According to a recent Gallup survey, Americans plan to spend an average of $942 on Christmas gifts this year. This is the most ever since Gallup began measuring the trend. It’s shaping up to be a record year for retailers but often the pressure to give the...

PACs Offer Teachable Moment

Elections are kind of like a new school year. New faces show up. Fresh ideas are disseminated. Personalities emerge. Elections often teach us as much about the candidates’ values as we learn about ourselves. In other words, elections serve as teachable moments....

Happy Independence Day

Just a few days ago I was in Washington DC where I visited the National Archives and saw the Declaration of Independence. It was featured alongside the U.S. Constitution and other historical documents in the dimly lit rotunda. It was amazing to see our founding...

America’s Right to Life Renaissance

States across the nation are enacting pro-life laws at a record pace.  Approximately 30 pro-life laws, including four in Kentucky, have been enacted this year. More appear to be on the way. According to Steven Aden, general counsel of Americans United for Life “This...

Extreme Abortion Rhetoric

A wave of pro-life laws continues to sweep the nation. And the wave has caused alarm with abortion defenders. Most recently, United Nations deputy high commissioner for human rights, Kate Gilmore sharply condemned the laws as "hateful" and...

Tiananmen Square Anniversary

It's one of the most iconic pictures of the 20th century. A Chinese man stands directly in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square.  The year was 1989 and Chinese students protested their oppressive government, and this student in particular was willing to lay...

Finding Purpose in Life

A new study found that finding a purpose in life may decrease the risk of dying early. This is according to JAMA Current Open. Researchers gathered personal data from 7,000 Americans between the ages of 51 and 61 and they found that those without a strong life...

Paducah Considers Religious Freedom Amendment

Paducah city commissioners are considering two religious liberty amendments to a controversial ordinance that passed last year.  The original ordinance added gender identity and sexual orientation to its list of civil rights in areas of housing, employment,...

Hubble Telescope Discovery

When you look up to the sky on a starry night, ever get the feeling of being small? All those stars and the vastness of the universe tend to humble us. Well, the universe just a little bigger. Astronomers processed 16 years’ worth of photos and data from the...

Target Arms Children With LGBT Apparel

We live in a highly charged political climate and for that reason many businesses choose to stay on the sidelines so they don't offend customers. This isn't the case for Target which announced they're marketing products with the rainbow flag in order...