Why is Castro Praised?

Fidel Castro is dead. And surprisingly, many sang his praises. President Jimmy Carter said he "[he] fondly remembered his visits with [Castro] and his love of his country." Con. Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), said “We [should] mourn his loss…. [and...

The Divisiveness of Identity Politics

Martin Luther King, Jr., famously prophesied a time in America when his children would “be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” King’s dream foresaw a new era of civil rights for African-Americans, but it...

Atheist requests IM God Plate

A Northern Kentucky man is suing the state of Kentucky for refusing to issue a license plate that says "IM GOD." Bennie L. Hart of Kenton County is an atheist who says he's spreading his religious view that it's impossible to disprove anyone's...

Should UK become Sanctuary Campus?

Should universities become sanctuaries for people who cannot prove their citizenship? A group of University of Kentucky students think so. This is the latest activist movement on college campuses. More than 1500 signatures were gathered from students who want...

Medicaid Used for Sex-changes?

A Minnesota judge recently struck down a state law that prohibited the use of taxpayer dollars to fund gender reassignment surgery. The judge said citizens have a fundamental right to change their sexual anatomy through surgery and declared the statute...

Finding thanks in the midst of disappointment

An unusual thing happened in Frankfort the other day. After years of being in the minority party, Republican House Speaker-elect Jeff Hoover welcomed Democrats to join his eight-member transition team as the GOP assumes leadership status in Kentucky's state...

Giving thanks: A timely weapon against cynicism, hate

As our nation emerges from perhaps the most bewildering and exhausting election we have ever endured, one thing has become abundantly clear: we are an angry and divided people. The toxic ethos of this election is much more than a referendum on the culture of politics;...

Giving Thanks

Could you imagine taking a trip that lasted much longer than it was supposed to, in uncomfortable seats and when you arrived at your destination, you had no place to stay? That's the story of the Pilgrims and their voyage on the Mayflower nearly 400 years ago....


Donald Trump’s victory sparked protests in major cities with chants of “Not My President” and “Love Trumps Hate.” Some of the protest has gotten vile; one sign photographed at an organized protest read, “Rape Melania.” This...

Cry-in at Cornell

Last week, Cornell University students held a cry-in event on campus in response to the election results. So what happens at a cry-in? According to their Facebook page, attendees were encouraged to wear black and hold each other and cry. The Cornell Daily Sun, said...

Election Protests

The aftermath of the 2016 presidential election has been fascinating, but it has not always been pleasant. As media outlets scramble to comprehend Donald Trump’s victory, several parts of America have been submerged in anger and unrest at the president-elect....

Election Recap

On Tuesday, American voters waged a quiet revolution at the ballot box and took back the idea of government by the consent of the governed. Pollsters and media pundits were off target and Donald Trump was elected our 45th president against the odds. Here's a...

Election Eve Analysis of State House Races

Democrats dominate the Kentucky state House by a 53-47 margin—an chamber they've held for 95 straight years. This makes Kentucky the last remaining state House in the South controlled by Democrats. That could all change tomorrow if the voter anger we've...

We Get What We Want in Political Ads

The political ads are everywhere as election day approaches.  Ever wonder why the ads are the way they are?  One political scientist says the advertisers are giving the audience what they want. Dr. Stephen Voss, a professor at the University of Kentucky,...

Presidential Ads Make Me Blush

The ads for male enhancement products used to leave adults blushing during televised sports.  If you saw the political commercials during the World Series you know the game has changed.  The Cubs and the Indians were desperate to win, but not as desperate as...

What is a Conservative?

Ever wonder what it means to be a conservative? If you believe the caricature of their opponents, they are miserly and greedy—kind of like a miserable Ebenezer Scrooge who thinks only of himself and measures success by the size of his bank account. But...

Another Perspective on Making America Great

Donald Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again” is like a song you can’t get out of your head.  The more you try, the more places you hear it.  I wonder, though, if the slogan is accomplishing its intended goals?  On a recent...

SCOTUS Takes up Gender Identity

Can a public school forbid a female from using the boys’ restroom? That may sound like a common sense question, but in 2017 it will be an issue in front of the Supreme Court. The Court recently agreed to hear the case of a transgender boy, born female, who sued...

Politics Scarier than Halloween

Today is October 31 otherwise known as Halloween—a day of when kids traditionally don masks and go door to door trick or treating. But what might be scarier than a goblin at your doorstep is the political season filled with high pitched rhetoric that has invaded...

Candidate Trump is a Creature of the Times

Halloween is here and scarier than any goblin at your doorstep is a bitter political season filled with high pitched rhetoric that has invaded too many homes and induced a ghoulish mood within the electorate. Political operatives stir the pot of vitriol with a...