What holds us together?

We live in an age of division and divisiveness. Racial tensions remain high and political tensions even higher. Demonstrators took to the streets and airports to protest the executive order that temporarily banned immigrants from nations that harbor terrorists. Now, a...

Governor’s Prayer Breakfast

Governor Matt Bevin held the Kentucky Governor's annual prayer breakfast in Frankfort this morning. Close to 1000 pastors, businessmen and civic leaders gathered from across the state to hear an inspiring message and to pray for our government. But it wouldn't...

What I saw outside the abortion clinic

Have you ever gone to an event expecting one thing only to find out that it was something entirely different? That was my day on Friday and I don't think I'll ever forget it. I was invited to attend a gathering of pastors and pro-life leaders in Louisville...

Baby Girl Born with Three Parents

In early January, a mother in Ukraine gave birth to a baby girl with DNA from three parents—yes you hear that correctly. The young girl has DNA from three parents—two women and one man. This was done by a process known as s modern mitochondrial replacement...

Trump’s Exec Order

There's much confusion about Pres. Trump's Exec Order halting immigrants from nations associated known as refuge for terrorists.  Here's what the order does; It temporarily bans citizens from these nations to enter the U. S.  It suspends the...

Louisville Courier Journal’s Credibility Problem

I was given a tip last week by a Frankfort insider that Attorney General Andy Beshear  refused to defend the recently passed ultrasound law. This person told me to watch for a statement from the Governor's office. Within hours, Gov. Bevin went on Facebook...

March for Life and Fair Reporting

The U.S. Press Corps recently sent a letter to Donald Trump and admitted that the public mistrusts them and they intend "to regain that trust." If they are serious about this, they will provide just as fair coverage to conservative causes as they do liberal...

A Conversation with Governor Matt Bevin

On Wednesday, January 25, amidst a war of words between Governor Matt Bevin and Attorney General Andy Beshear, we had the opportunity to talk with the governor.  In our time together Gov. Bevin tried to clarify recent statements he's made concerning Beshear...

Is Woman’s March Biggest News?

The Women's March on Washington dominated news cycles, but in the pursuit of a story that seemed most important to big media, they neglected some major news. In his last hours of his presidency, Barack Obama transferred $221 million to the Palestinian Authority....

Marches, Planned Parenthood and fair reporting

It's been a week of marches and protests and major policy shifts, but in the pursuit of a story that seemed the pinnacle of "what's important," the institutional media neglected some major news  The Women's March on Washington, while an...

Legislator Pensions Finally Revealed

Thanks to a new law recently signed by Gov. Bevin, Kentuckians can finally find out how much their state legislators will receive in public pensions. It was kept secret by House members who refused to divulge their pensions to the public. That might be one reason...

Someone Has to Pay

Recently I heard a young lady describe a whirlwind season in her life.  She met a young man and a relationship began.  Their relationship moved quickly and they came together in what she described as a night of love and passion.  The next few weeks of...

Assisted Suicide and Organ Harvesting

Assisted suicide was legalized in Canada last June. And since then it has claimed the lives of 744 people. Now some bioethicists are pushing to allow the harvesting of organs from patients who seek physician-assisted suicide. This move is alarming when you consider...

More Conversation Please

One way to bridge the partisan divide is to engage in more conversations with those you disagree with. Not arguments. Not rants. But conversations. This is where mature individuals dialogue and discuss ideas that they may not agree with. And in case you were...

Struggle Fueled by King’s Ideals Continues

Race relations in many of our cities may be their poorest since the late 1960's, but today we celebrate the courage of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who dedicated his life to restoring racial equality under the law. Dr. King, who navigated an even tougher political...

Trust is needed in our government

In order for a democratic republic to effectively work, it takes trust and lots of it. Voters must trust election results. They also must trust that elected officials will act honorably and obey laws that apply to them once in office. Unfortunately, trust in our state...

Opposition to Ultrasound Law Unreasonable

The newly enacted ultrasound law requires abortionists to provide an ultrasound picture of the unborn child at least 24-hours before an abortion. It took 12 years to pass such a law and opponents are still decrying the law as a burden to women seeking an abortion....