Sanctuary City Ruling

According the Center for Immigration Studies, Louisville is a sanctuary city. This means that it has policies in place "that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from Immigration and Customs Enforcement" (ICE).  Police in sanctuary...

25% of KY Kids in Poverty

One in four Kentucky children live in poverty according to the latest report by Kentucky Youth Advocates. And nearly half of Kentucky's children live in low-income homes or 200 percent of the poverty level. So in an age of abundance and economic opportunity,...

Being Thankful

We live in the freest, most prosperous nation on the face of the earth. Yet if you scroll through Facebook or other social media posts, it doesn't take long to find a complaint or gripe: Poor service at a restaurant or complaints about slow drivers.  These...

KBC Passes Anti-Gambling Resolution

The Kentucky Baptist Convention passed a resolution at their annual meeting condemning gambling expansion recently proposed in Frankfort. They make several good points beginning with the idea that gambling violates the principle of loving your neighbor. They go on to...

Teachers propose pension fix

Kentucky Education Association President Stephanie Winkler said the Republican proposal to fix the broken state pension fund “will devastate public education in Kentucky.” This drew criticism from State Rep. Bam Carney, a former public school teacher who...

Processing Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment by political leaders and celebrities is disappointing. So how do we respond? For starters, we should be empathetic toward the women who've come out of the shadows to share their stories. It takes courage for women to openly share ...

Conscience is non-negotiable

What do you do when you're put in a position where you're forced to violate your conscience? This question isn't theoretical anymore. More and more people who try to live and work according to their conscience are put in difficult positions. This was the...

Transgender Candidate Elected

The first openly transgender candidate got elected in Virginia last week. Danica Roem is a man who now identifies as a woman and that's how he campaigned. Nearly 55 percent of the voters had no problem voting for Roem so they sent him to serve in the Virginia...

News Media Makes Much Over Kim Davis Refiling

Remember the Kentucky Court Clerk who went to jail for refusing to grant a marriage license to a homosexual couple? Well, the Associated Press and major news media across the country hasn't. That's why they made much over her filing for re-election for Rowan...

Sen. Rand Paul Attacked

Senator Rand Paul was attacked while mowing his lawn last week. Of all people, he was attacked by his neighbor.  It's unclear as to the motivation of the attack but some have suggested it’s over political disagreements. Paul suffered six broken ribs and...

Church Shooting

The latest mass shooting took the lives of 26 people worshipping in a small Texas church. Now, people are asking what was the caused it? Was it mental illness? Lax gun laws? Was it what some call America's "gun culture?" Alexander Solzhenitsyn reminds us...

Veteran’s Day Observed

Today, Veteran's Day is observed. It was originally known as Armistice Day, which on November 11, 1918 marked the armistice of WWI. Now we honor all our veterans who've ever served in our armed forces. National defense may be something we take for granted but...

Sexual Harassment Fallout Continues

A popular TV show on Netflix has been canceled. An Amazon executive resigned.  So does a top executive in the newsroom at National Public Radio. These are just a few stories linked to sexual harassment and assault by men who abused their power to take...

Medical Review Panels Struck Down

The Kentucky legislature passed a bill this last year to reduce frivolous lawsuits against doctors. Of course, frivolous lawsuits drive up malpractice insurance, which in turn drive up medical bills. And this is ultimately passed off to patients. The bill created...

Judge Nance Resigns

Remember when we told you that if marriage was ever redefined it would have implications on religious freedom? That truth has hit home in Kentucky last week when Family Court Judge Mitchell Nance resigned his judgeship. Earlier this year, Nance announced that he would...

Terrorist Attack

Eight people were murdered by a madman who drove his truck down a New York City sidewalk last week. To be more precise, it was an Islamic terrorist who killed innocent people. After he stopped, he shouted Allahu Akbar. A note inside the vehicle linked him to the...

Einstein’s Note

Albert Einstein was one of the brightest scientists in the 20th century. He came up with the theory of relativity and eventually won a Nobel peace prize. So who would have thought that a simple one-sentence note to a bellhop who carried his suitcase would fetch over a...

Refugees from the Sexual Revolution

GK Chesterton once said, "before you move a fence, you should find out why it was put there in the first place." That bit of wisdom is fitting for today, especially in light of the breakdown of marriage and sexual ethics. Nearly a half century ago, there was...


One of the saddest things about the Harvey Weinstein scandal are all the celebrities who admit they knew something of the abuse but did nothing. Silence in such cases is like a green light to a perpetrator. In Weinstein's case, it has gone on for decades and many...