Lobbyists Spend Record Amount in Frankfort

Lobbyists spent a record $8.4 million trying to influence Kentucky lawmakers this last legislative session. So should we be upset? Is lobbying corrupt? While there's a negative perception about lobbyists, there's nothing inherently corrupt. Lobbyists are...

Does Comedy Have Limits?

One of the traditions in Washington D.C. is the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner where comedian's poke fun at politicians, especially the president. But this year's speaker, Michelle Wolf crossed a line with her routine that was...

A monkey’s day in court

Have you heard the one about the monkey who went to court to sue over copyright infringement? No, it's not a joke. A monkey snapped a selfie that became famous but PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) filed for copyright infringement. The 9th U.S....

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer. It was created by Congress in 1952 and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill designating the first Thursday of May as a day of national prayer. As people go to local...

Political Shift in Kentucky

Kentucky has been a reliably democratic state for the past 100 years but a major political shift is taking place. Since Barack Obama was elected president in 2008 there have been 335, 744 new Republican registrations. There have been only 18,506 Democratic...

Good News on Economic Front

There's some good news regarding Kentucky's unemployment numbers. It's at 4 percent—which is the lowest it’s been since the Bureau of Labor statistics began tracking this number in 1976. One reason for the change is that Kentucky has attracted...

Life and Death and Government Control

There's a story out of England where the government is pulling two-year old Alfie Evans off of life support. England's Supreme Court ordered the hospital to pull the plug on the disabled child. But the parents are fighting to keep him alive and want him...

Government isn’t everything

The 2018 Kentucky General Assembly is in the books. Legislators considered nearly 900 bills. But too often government is viewed as the only solution to address pressing issues of the day. Have you ever considered that government can't adequately address all the...

California Banning Books?

California calls itself a diverse and tolerant state but they might need to rethink that because the state legislature is considering banning certain kinds of books. You heard that correctly, a bill that would ban the sale of books that express a Christian belief...

Abortion and Verbal Clarity

Kentucky's latest pro-life law banned abortion after 11 weeks, but it’s being challenged in court by the ACLU. They argue the law takes away women’s rights, impose an onerous burden at one of the most difficult times in their lives and that Frankfort...

Education Shakeup in Kentucky

Seven new members have been appointed to the Kentucky Board of Education which means that the majority of the board has been reconfigured. Shortly after the new board met, Education Commissioner Stephen Pruitt resigned which appears to have been the result of policy...

Clearing the Air on State Pensions

The 2018 General Assembly took a positive step to shoring up the state pension system but based on regular news reports of angry protestors opposed to pension reform, you'd never have guessed it. Some media outlets have unfortunately fanned the flames by...

Proper Conversation

There's an abundance of bitterness over proposals to fixing the state pension. There's plenty of labeling, name calling, and demeaning behavior—on both sides. This is no way to have a conversation. In fact, it's no way to accomplish anything. The...

Planned Parenthood Admissions

There are some ironies in politics that emerge when you least expect them. The latest is found in Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richard's new book. Richards says that their daughter Lily was "unplanned," but she and her husband chose life. "In...

Pension Reform Passes

A pension reform bill finally passed into law. It mostly affects new hires and keeps the system essentially the same for existing teachers. One of the major changes is that it requires new Kentucky teachers to participate in a "hybrid" plan which has...

Register to vote

What if I told you that you have tremendous influence over the direction of our government. What if you could pick and choose your leaders? Well, you do. It's called voting, and the deadline to register to vote is coming up soon. If you're not yet registered...

Peace is a Verb

It is a good thing for Christians to pursue purity when it comes to doctrine.  However, one Christian philosopher says there must be more.  Francis Schafer says, “Biblical orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the...