Religious Freedom Crackdown in China

Police in riot gear barricaded the front doors of the Christian school and arrested the pastor who led the school. It was eventually shut down the other week. Crosses have been torn from churches and persecution of religious sects have intensified—not in the...

Casino Expansion in W Ky?

Churchill Downs and Keeneland announced a new gambling venture to bring a new racetrack to Christian County in western Kentucky. They're proposing a $125 million facility in Oak Grove that will include an outdoor amphitheater, a hotel, an equestrian center and a...

The Things That Bind Us Together

America seems as divided as ever before. Between Nike's controversial ad with Colin Kaepernick and the Supreme Court hearings over Brett Kavanaugh, we're a nation divided. Sometimes you wonder if there's anything that can bring America together.  I...

Political Scandals Cross Party Lines

Jerry Lundergan and Dale Emmons were indicted by the FBI over making illegal campaign contributions to Allison Grime's U.S. Senate Campaign in 2014. Both are political heavyweights and influential in Democratic politics. But political scandal crosses party lines....

Believe in Something

Nike's major deal with former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick is creating a backlash. In 2016, the star quarterback decided to kneel during the national anthem as a protest to racial injustice. Nike's new ad campaign begins with a still shot of...

Obstructing Kavanaugh

There were fireworks during the hearing for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Protestors tried to disrupt the hearings on the first day and 70 people were charged with disorderly conduct.  Within the first hour, Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen....

Catholic Charities of Buffalo Shuts Down

There is much talk of tolerance and respect these days but news out of New York again reminds us that tolerance is too often a one-way street. The Catholic Charities of Buffalo was forced to close their adoption and foster care services because the state is mandating...

What Does ‘Redemption’ Actually Mean?

An interesting headline ran in Time Magazine last week. It asked, "What Does ‘Redemption’ Actually Mean?" The story tackles comedian Louis C.K. who recently came out of the shadows to perform after he was charged with serious sexual misconduct...

What do we trust in?

There's controversy over a state legislators’ proposal to post the national motto in public schools. Of course, the motto says "In God We Trust" But opponents say it's imposing religion and could be harmful to kids. If you think about it, this...

Remembering McCain

Senator John McCain, known as a hero, patriot and maverick politician, was laid to rest. His politics didn't please everyone but a letter he wrote prior to his death is a poignant reminder that we're "a nation of ideals, not blood and soil." McCain...

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! For some this marks the end of summer but for others it's a day of rest from the regular demands of work. Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894 after the labor movement demanded safer working conditions, an 8-hour workday, fair wages, and the...

Does God Have a Place in Public Schools?

Does the National Motto belong in public school? State Rep. Brandon Reed thinks so. He's introducing a bill that would require every Kentucky public elementary and secondary schools to display the motto "In God We Trust" in a prominent location. Reed...

Shout Your Abortion?

One of the most politically contentious and personal issues is over abortion. But is abortion something to be proud of? According to Amelia Bonow, the answer is yes. The latest edition of Oprah Winfrey's "O" magazine features Bonow who founded the...

Jack Phillips is Being Harassed

Jack Phillips is in front of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission again. This time, he's being charged with not baking a cake for a transgender person who wanted to celebrate their seven-year anniversary of transitioning from male the female. They wanted a pink...

Medicaid Dispute Continues

The issue of Medicaid reform is still tied up in the courts. Last year the federal government gave Kentucky a waiver regarding Medicaid requirements. The waiver allowed for incentives to be put into place for able-bodied people who aren't the primary caregivers of...

Predatory Priests in Pennsylvania

A report out of Pennsylvania is rocking the Catholic church and also shaken our trust in institutions that are supposed to be safe. Three-hundred “predator priests” raped and molested more than 1,000 children since the 1940's. The 884-page report...

Lottery Record Ticket sales

The Kentucky Lottery had record ticket sales in fiscal year 2018.  The Lottery Corp took in $1.04 billion and just over a quarter of the proceeds—$253 million went to the state general fund. Another way to look at this is that Kentuckians lost $1.04 billion...

Drug-addicted Babies in Kentucky

The toll of Illicit drugs continues. Last year, 1,565 Kentuckian's overdosed on opioids.  That's more than four deaths per day. Fentanyl was involved in 52 percent of overdose deaths. Drug addiction leads to lost lives, broken families and our communities...

Maysville Enacts Fairness Ordinance

Maysville became the tenth Kentucky city to make sexual orientation and gender identity a civil right. They're called Fairness Ordinances and are supposed to foster tolerance but unfortunately, they've been used to undermine the faith of those who want to run...

Dangerous Antifa Protests

In 2016, the Department of Homeland Security labeled Antifa “anarchist extremists”.  Antifa is short for anti-fascist. They're opposed to capitalism and they disdain democratic institutions. In its place they're pushing their version of...