CPC Launches Religious Freedom Campaign
Date: June 5, 2023
Contact: Richard Nelson –

(Frankfort, KY) – In response to the challenges that religious freedom has faced in Kentucky under Governor Andy Beshear’s leadership, the Commonwealth Policy Center is launching the “Protect” ad campaign that elevates the importance of religious freedom as a foundational right of citizens throughout the Commonwealth.

“Religious freedom is a pillar to any healthy society,”said Commonwealth Policy Center Executive Director Richard Nelson. “And it is much broader than just worshiping on a Sunday morning. Religious freedom is the ability to live and work and engage public ministry according to one’s religious convictions and their conscience.”

Nelson said that churches should never have been considered of secondary importance to casinos and abortion centers. Nor should public school teachers ever have been forced to check their values in at the schoolhouse door by addressing children suffering from gender dysphoria by preferred pronouns, as former Anderson County principal Randy Adams was forced to do. “We believe that religious freedom is a cornerstone that must be built upon, not dismantled,” Nelson said. “That’s why we are running this campaign.”

Through this ad campaign, Commonwealth Policy Center aims to create a culture that respects and embraces religious freedom in its fullest. “Conscience rights, and hence religious freedom, predates politics,” Nelson said. “But it becomes a political issue when leaders and governmental policies infringe upon it.”

The Commonwealth Policy Center (CPC) is dedicated to preserving the bedrock values of life, religious liberty, marriage, and fiscal responsibility in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It affirms as stated in the Kentucky Constitution that our civil, political and religious liberties come from God. To that end, it seeks to educate the general public, work for sound public policies, and influence elections on behalf of conservative candidates. To learn more about their work, head to

To view the advertisement campaign, click here.

Commonwealth Policy Center