A Certificate to Compete?

A major issue in Kentucky’s 2024 legislative primaries is one that many outside of Northern Kentucky may not know about: certificate of need (CON) reform. CON laws were formulated in the 1950’s with good intentions: to keep healthcare costs down. The theory was that a...

We Hold These Truths: Where lies our happiness?

“We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Thus begins America’s founding political document penned...

God’s Good Friday Mercy

The Kentucky General Assembly has occupied my time and attention in recent months, and as another weary season of legislation and policymaking is coming to a close, my soul is getting ready for Easter. I’m grateful that many good bills engaged by CPC are moving...

Protect Kentucky Kids From Online Porn

A bill proposing age verification limits on websites where children can access adult content is currently making its way through the Kentucky legislature. Children are frequently exposed to pornography but not without consequence to their innocence and developing...

Is Social Conservatism “Extremism”?

Gov. Beshear criticized socially conservative policy on human life and the family in his weekly news conference: “Every moment that they focus on these culture war type issues, trying to create a new bogeyman for the next election, trying to rile people up, it means...

A Farewell to Hershael York

It’s hard to say goodbye to somebody you love. Such was the case with the Apostle Paul in the last chapter of Romans as he says farewell to beloved brothers and sisters in the faith. Pastor Hershael York preached from Romans 16 last Sunday, and it corresponded...

Christmas Ironies, Christmas Joy

So many of my Christmas memories as a child were pleasant. But Christmas isn’t a joyous time for everyone. I recall a story that my grandma shared with me when she was eight years old. Grandma Copeland had been particularly naughty that year. Her no-nonsense...

Analysis of Kentucky Governor’s Race

I wish that I could write you and tell you that we have a new conservative governor in Kentucky. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. It’s not for lack of trying because the CPC team and I worked overtime to help elect Daniel Cameron. We have much to learn...