The Poor People’s Campaign

The Poor People's Campaign was back in Frankfort last week. This time their protest was over Capitol police's refusal to allow them to protest inside the Capitol building without a permit. This was because the last time they were there they broke the law. They...

Father’s Day

This Sunday is Father's Day. It's a time we celebrate dads and what they mean to us.  But if an Australian academic got her way, she'd rename it ‘Special Person’s Day.' Last year, Australian activist Dr. Red Ruby Scarlet launched a...

Miss America Scraps Swimsuit Competition

The Miss America pageant is saying goodbye to one of its most iconic features— its swimsuit competition. The pageant has been around since 1921 but the new remake will focus less on outward physical beauty and more on the inner qualities of...

U.S. Fertility Rate Below Replacement Levels

According to the Centers for Disease Control the fertility rate in the U.S. fell below replacement levels for the ninth straight year and has now been below the replacement level in 43 of the last 45 years. This is staggering, and has huge implications for the future....

Anti-Poverty Group Protests at State Capitol

A group of anti-poverty activists protested at the state Capitol and denounced work and education requirements in order to receive Medicaid. Kentucky now requires able-bodied recipients of Medicaid between the ages of 18-59 to work part-time or go to school. But the...

SCOTUS Upholds Jack Phillip’s Religious Freedom

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker who declined to bake a cake for a gay wedding. This ruling is an important victory for religious freedom and especially important to Kentuckians since a similar religious liberty case is pending in the State...

Alternative To Boy Scouts

The controversy over the Boys Scouts dropping the word "boy" from its name is just the latest in a series of moves that has alienated parents from the once venerated organization. But there's an alternative to the Boy Scouts. It's called Trail Life...

Abortion In the News

Abortion has dominated headlines in recent days. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld an Arkansas abortion law that requires providers of chemical abortions to have hospital admitting privileges. Another court ruled that Kentucky's recent ban on abortions after 11-weeks...

Kentucky Prison Reform

We've all heard the phrase "lock 'em up and throw away the key." That's how many feel after they've been harmed by a criminal. But most criminals won't get life sentences and will eventually be let out of jail. Over 95 percent of...

Where Have all the Heroes Gone?

Ever wonder where all the heroes have gone? Well, we learned of one recently in Noblesville, Indiana. An angry seventh-grade student came into class armed with two handguns and began shooting at students at the middle school. One was critically wounded. That's...

Racial Sensitivity Training

Starbucks closed its stores last week to hold racial sensitivity training for its employees. This was on the heels of an embarrassing incident where a Philadelphia Starbucks employee had two black men arrested because they were assumed to be loitering. ...

Planned Parenthood Loses Some Federal Funding

President Donald Trump recently announced that organizations that perform or refer for abortions will no longer receive federal family planning grants. This means that the nation's largest abortion business—Planned Parenthood will lose around $50...

Kentucky Education Commissioner Calling for Change

Kentucky's new Commissioner of Education Wayne Lewis noted how he's often asked about his plans for charter schools and the kind of relationship he intends to have with KEA/JCTA. His response was to the point. “Given how much work we have to do with...

Sen. Paul’s Penny Plan

The National Science Foundation spent $500,000 on a study to see if taking a selfie with your smart phone makes you happier. The U.S. State Department spent $250,000 to send Pakistani kids to Dollywood and Space Camp. Both are examples of wasteful spending. This is...

Prayer is Appropriate for Santa Fe

Another school shooting grips our nation as we struggle for answers. Eight students and two faculty members are dead. Thirteen others were wounded by an angry student armed with a shotgun and pistol. But unlike the Parkland school shooting, for the most part students...

Google and Facebook Block Pro-life Ads

Today, Irish voters are going to the polls to decide whether to repeal a constitutional amendment that protects unborn life in the womb. But advocates on either side of the issue won't be able to use Facebook or Google to get out their message. The tech giants...

Iranian Leaders Make Threats

Pres. Trump pulled the U.S. out of the treaty with Iran which allows them to develop a nuclear program, purportedly under supervision. Upon the news of the treaty's dissolution, members of the Iranian parliament burned a photo of a U.S. flag in their parliament...

Amazon HQ2 Considerations

Amazon is looking to build its second headquarters in the U.S. and has narrowed down its search to 20 cities. It's a highly competitive process as Amazon seeks to invest $5 Billion and hire 50,000 employees, and most are high paying jobs. Amazon is ranking the...

Primary Election Day Today

Kentucky's primary election is today. And if you think we've been talking about it a lot lately, well, that's because we think it's important for Kentuckians to get out and vote. There will be candidates on the ballot ranging from local to federal...

SCOTUS Opens Door to Sports Betting

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned a federal law that banned states from allowing gambling on sports. This means that states will now be able to create a regulatory structure and allow gambling on all sporting events. One reason the federal government banned it was...