National Day Of Prayer: We Cry Out

The 64th annual National Day of Prayer will take place Thursday, May 7, at various spots across the United States. The theme of this year's event is “Lord, Hear Our Cry.” It is true that we, as a nation, talk to God quite often. There is a significant...

Freedom To Choose

When Fayette County Judge James Ishmael issued a ruling last Monday reversing the Lexington Human Rights Commission's 2014 decision that Hands On Originals violated Lexington's fairness ordinance by refusing to print tee shirts for the Lexington's Gay and...

SCOTUS Hears Marriage Arguments

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on whether the U.S. Constitution requires states to recognize homosexual marriage. Here are a few poignant questions: "[Thinking marriage is the union of a man and a woman] has been with us for millennia....

Unspeakable Matters

There are some topics that are so unbelievaly heinous, they probably don't even deserve mention. When they pass from taboo into the realm of public policy, however, they must be dealt with. Last week, lawmakers in Denmark approved a law banning people from having...


I invite you to join many Christians around the nation in praying today as the Supreme Court hears oral arguments over the power of states to define marriage between one man and one woman. #PrayForMarriage is more than a prayer for legal victory (though it isn’t...

Pray For Nepal

Natural disasters, while always tragic, have a way of snapping us back to reality. The suddenness of a tornado or a monsoon or a tsunami, even if they were forecasted ahead of time, serve as fierce reminders of how the elements can change our lives in an instant....

Protecting Our Values

We, as human beings, have a right to protest. We also have a right to walk away, however, and choose not to affiliate ourselves with practices we do not believe in. This second right seems to have been lost on liberal Catholics in San Francisco, who placed a full-page...

A Conversation Between "Safe, Legal, and Rare"

Photo: by Debra Sweet, Flickr, Creative Commons 2.0 The following is an edited version of the transcript of conversation between abortion talking points Safe, Legal, and Rare.  Legal: Good evening, friends. Thanks for joining this conversation Safe and Rare:...

A Conversation Between “Safe, Legal, and Rare”

Photo: by Debra Sweet, Flickr, Creative Commons 2.0 The following is an edited version of the transcript of conversation between abortion talking points Safe, Legal, and Rare.  Legal: Good evening, friends. Thanks for joining this conversation Safe and Rare:...

The Price of Terrorism

What are the most terrible effects of terrorism? The most obvious is loss of life. A shooter took the lives of nearly 150 people at Kenya's Garissa University just a few days ago. A second incident in Kenya Sunday, however, was indicative of an equally tragic...

Don’t Be Sheep

Seven years ago, scientists at the University of Leeds conducted a study which discovered that it takes a minority of just 5 percent to influence a crowd’s direction – and that the other 95 percent follow without realizing it. While the study was performed...

What’s A Conscience Worth?

Photo by Davidlud, Wikimedia Commons Consider this a brief, concluding postscript to my 4-article (!) conversation about religious freedom and the RFRA. I want to give a final (Lord willing) admonition to my fellow Christians, specifically those who may be...

How RFRA Helps Us Love Our Neighbors

“St. Paul Preaching in Athens,” Raphael In the sincere hope, dear reader, that soon we may speak of other things, let me linger just a while longer on religious freedom, liberalism, and public conscience. I’m compelled to do so now by Conor...

Do Christians Mean What They Say?

Frank Bruni New York Times columnist Frank Bruni doesn’t believe that Christians who are opposed to same-sex marriage are genuine. That’s the obvious upshot of his new piece “Bigotry, the Bible, and the Lessons of Indiana.” Rather than building...

Is Religious Freedom Fouling Out?

To say that something more important is happening in Indiana than the Final Four, may sound like heresy to the faithful congregants of the Big Blue Nation in this sacred week of NCAA tournaments.  But the uproar over the recently passed Religious Freedom...

Costly Christianity

The United States and Christianity have long been synonymous with one another. The nation's founding documents are filled with references to the Christian God and his providence. As a result, the protection of religious freedom in the U.S. has been a long-held...

Discriminatory Meltdown in Indiana

To say something is happening in Indiana bigger than the Final Four, may sound like heresy to the faithful congregants of the Big Blue Nation in this holy week of NCAA tournaments.  But the uproar over the recently passed Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)...

Who are the Liberals?

If there’s anything in store for American political discourse more absurd or uninformed than the arms race over Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, I  cannot fathom what that might be. The entire kerfuffle is pathetic, from the blatant...

Where We Are Now: The Affordable Health Care Act

It's difficult to believe five years have passed since the Affordable Health Care Act was signed into law by President Barrack Obama. Even with the passage of time, many of the details of “Obamacare” seem to be shrouded in mystery. As if a piece of...