Iowa, New Hampshire, and the Quest for a Nomination

With the election season in full swing, presidential candidates are racing across the country to stump their speeches, shake hands, and pontificate on why they should be the next president of the United States. While the Democratic nomination seems like a foregone...

Betting on Football

Perhaps the leadership of pro-football are a little naïve, or perhaps the leaders of Sportradar US are a little nefarious, or both.  Whatever the case, the data company which is partly owned by the NFL abruptly changed an announcement of a mobile sports...

Bevin’s kids aren’t political fodder

Kentucky Governor-elect Matt Bevin joined 28 other governors who are refusing Syrian refugees until their identity can be confirmed. "My primary responsibility as Governor of Kentucky will be to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth," Bevin said in a...

Governor’s Children aren’t Props

Political cartoonist Joel Pett’s most recent sketch has caused an uproar in the commonwealth and the nation at large. Depicting Gov.-elect Matt Bevin crouching in fear underneath his desk, another gentleman encourages Mr. Bevin not to fear. The reason for this...

Politicizing Everything and Honoring Nothing

Open your browser, turn on your TV, unlock your phone. It seems everywhere you turn— articles, statuses, and everything in between bring shared outrage or criticism of Starbucks red cups, Star Wars casting decisions, and schadenfreude over a team losing the...

Gambling Expansion

Several states are attempting to expand gambling to shore up state revenue.  One of them is Georgia.  There has been little serious checking of the downside of gambling expansion: increased crime, divorce, poverty, addiction.  As is...

8 Takeaway’s from the 2015 Gubernatorial Election

Nobody predicted that Matt Bevin would beat Jack Conway by nine points. Nobody. The Bluegrass poll  had Conway up by five points just a few days ago. We learned last year that the Bluegrass poll was wildly off target when it had Grimes and McConnell deadlocked...

Jenean Hampton Runs on Accomplishments and Vision

This election season has been brutal. Millions have been spent by candidates and PACs to criticize and attack the opposition. Many Kentuckians I've talked to over the last couple of weeks are tired of negative campaigning and can't wait for it to be over....

Great Budget Impasse of 2015

Many of us have read about the road fund mess in Illinois that is beyond the ability of the state to fix.  Then came the Great Budget Impasse of 2015 (since July15).  The legislature has been deadlocked and is months overdue in passing a...

Are some social issues off limits politically?

With the 2015 election season nearing the finish line, voter guides of all political stripes have made their rounds, including the Commonwealth Policy Center's. It focuses entirely on social issues and asks candidates’ views on the defense of the unborn,...

Louisville Basketball and a Culture of Sports

In the last week the airwaves have been replete with stories and commentaries on the bombshell revelation concerning allegations about The University of Louisville basketball’s less-than-honorable recruiting tactics. The claims center around an assistant coach...

The Sexual Revolution Still Hates Women

Rebecca Traister, writing in New York Magazine, says that when it comes to sex, women are in a permanent position of disadvantage and injustice in our culture. All sex–even consensual sex–is dominated by a "power imbalance" that favors men...

Debates and the Spirit of Civility

Having watched two Republican debates and the most recent Democratic debate, there are a couple of observations we can surmise from them. Principally we can say that sometimes—and especially in nationally televised debates—less is more. The sheer amount of...

C.S. Lewis Explains When To Stop Believing a Doctrine

One thing I've read a lot lately from some contemporary progressive evangelical writers is this: If a particular belief makes relationships difficult, or makes people around you feel alienated or upset, you should probably stop believing that doctrine. The logic...

Losing The Battle

In a column on his website titled “Bad News, Indeed – Playboy Opened the Floodgates and Now the Culture is Drowning,” Christian theologian and former Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler laments the recent announcement that...

Planned Parenthood and the Future

Yesterday Planned Parenthood leadership announced that it would stop receiving "reimbursements" for the donation of fetal tissue taken from aborted babies. It was a curious declaration, one that could be summarized (as my boss Russell Moore put it)...

Super PACs level field in Attorney General race

A recent story by the Kentucky Press News Service blamed Super PAC’s and big money in the Kentucky Attorney Generals race. The article, “Money in AG race is devil of a problem,” made it sound like Sen. Whitney Westerfield had his own personal PAC...

The Utter Victory of Online Pornography

How powerful is online pornography? Well, it just single handedly took down Playboy magazine. As part of a redesign that will be unveiled next March, the print edition of Playboy will still feature women in provocative poses. But they will no longer be fully...

Voices Rich and Poor

Is it possible these days to make a difference in politics without first breaking the bank on a massive campaign? If the amounts of money being tossed around in Kentucky's political races are any indication, the answer to that question is a resounding...