2022 MLK Day

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr Day. Today Americans celebrate the life of King, who reminded us that the black struggle for civil rights was synonymous with American ideals. But ten years after MLK gave his “I Have a Dream” speech, the Supreme Court stripped the...

Our Justice System Still Works

A trio of high-profile court cases reminds us that despite the many flaws, the U.S. justice system still works. Jeffrey Epstein association Ghislaine Maxwell was recently found guilty of trafficking minor girls. Silicon Valley entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes was also...

AK Court Protects Women, Affirms Sex Differences 

A women’s homeless shelter in Alaska won a huge victory for women’s safety. Hope Center is a faith-based homeless shelter in Anchorage that ministers to battered women. And to protect these women, they refused to allow men who identify as women into the shelter....

VA Parents sue over CRT curriculum

An increasing number of parents are getting involved with what goes on in their kids’ classrooms. And some are going to court over controversial curriculum. After a group of Virginia parents learned that the local school district is using a so-called...

Covid is Making us lose our minds

A new year has begun, but one thing has stayed the same: COVID is causing everyone to lose their minds. The omicron variant is spreading rapidly as case numbers are rising at an alarming rate. Governor Beshear continues to hold press conferences about the virus and...

Jan. 6 Anniversary of Insurrection

January 6th marked the one-year anniversary of the insurrection of the U.S. Capitol, where rioters entered the capitol and disrupted the certification process for the 2020 Presidential election. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called it “a dark day for...

Ky Legislature Expected to Consider SAFE Act

The Kentucky State Legislature is expected to consider the SAFE Act, which stands for Save Adolescents from Experimentation. Specifically, it addresses dangerous transgender ideology and would save Kentucky teenagers from untested hormone therapy on their developing...

Ky Legislature Will Consider CRT

The Kentucky State Legislature is in session and will consider hundreds of bills between now and the middle of April when they adjourn. It’s expected that expanding school choice in some way will move forward. This is an issue more parents are engaging....

Michigan Paid Billions in Fraudulent Claims

During the covid pandemic, businesses were forced to shut down and lay off employees due to government mandates. This led to unemployment offices across the country being bombarded with millions of unemployment claims. And now, months after billions of government...

Politics isn’t Everything 

The Kentucky General Assembly begins today (Jan. 4), and we’ll see a bunch of bills trying to fix things. But another law isn’t always the answer. French philosopher Jacques Ellul warned about making everything political. He called this the “political...