How to Heal Bitterness and Political Division

Americans are as divided over politics as ever. Republicans seem to hate Democrats, and Democrats appear to hate Republicans. But after the election, we have to figure out how to live together. There’s a Biblical principle that brings healing to the culture....

Giving Thanks 2022

In 1621, the pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving and thanked God for bringing them through a hard winter, where half their number died. In 1787, President Washington issued a proclamation thanking God for allowing Americans to “peaceably establish a form...

Con. Comer to Investigate Hunter Biden

Con. James Comer announced that House Republicans would be opening up an investigation to determine the extent of President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings. Comer, who represents Kentucky’s First Congressional District, is the new...

Gov. Beshear Legalizes Medical Marijuana

Governor Beshear signed an executive order that legalizes medical marijuana. His order outlines 21 medical conditions, including cancer and PTSD, that people must be suffering from. It also list several requirements that must be met. Beshear explained at a press...

Senate Republicans Support Same-sex Marriage

The U.S. Senate is on track to codify same-sex marriage into federal law. Altogether, 12 Republicans joined all 50 Democrats and voted in favor of the Respect for Marriage Act. The bill repeals the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which defines marriage as between...

Will SCOTUS End Racial Quotas for Colleges?

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in two cases challenging policies that consider race in college admissions at Harvard and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. The group, Students for Fair Admissions, argued that Harvard’s policy discriminates...

A Distinctively Christian Approach to Politics

A Headline at the popular conservative opinion website Townhall said, “How You Can Make Liberals Seethe With Rage Today.”Clearly, there’s passion on both sides of the political aisle. But should followers of Jesus seek to make others “teeth...

Book Claims Trump is the New Christ

It’s clear that politics has religious overtones, and sometimes candidates and their followers possess the zealotry of religious evangelists. But a new book goes one step further. Helgard Müllet released a book called President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man –...

Gov. Beshear Prisoner Re-entry Program

Gov. Andy Beshear is launching two new programs to help prisoners transition back into civilian life and find work as they become members of society. Beshear said that [his] “faith teaches [him] that there are second chances in this life and that we are all our...

After the Election

The 2022 midterm elections are in the rearview mirror. Now it’s our task as citizens to learn how to peacefully live together. If your candidate won, be magnanimous. However, if your candidate lost, realize that life goes on. We still have the freedom and...