What Constitutes a Good Leader?

There’s a lot of talk about how failed and flawed our political leadership class is today. But have you considered that you are likely already a leader? If you’re a parent, a teacher, an employee in a business, you are leading whether or not you realize...

Christmas Nears

Christmas is just days away, but have you ever wondered what we’re really celebrating? Seven hundred years before the birth of Christ, the prophet Isaiah told about the coming Messiah. In chapter 9 of the book of Isaiah, it says, “The people who walked in...

California Becomes Transgender Sanctuary for Kids

One of the most controversial issues in our society today is whether or not minor children should be allowed to transition to the opposite sex. The state of California has entered the fray and, in essence, is serving as a sanctuary state for children who want to...

Illegal Immigrants Overwhelm Southern Border  Town

Illegal immigration is overwhelming the southern border town of El Paso, Texas. In only a week, over 5 thousand illegal immigrants have crossed the border into the town. While El Paso is getting the worst of the problem, all southern border towns are feeling the pain....

What is wrong with the world?

In 1908, the Times of London asked readers to respond to the question what is wrong with the world? They published responses from prominent authors and thinkers. But one of the responses caught everyone off guard. British author and philosopher GK Chesterton said this...

WAPO Normalizing Suicide?

The Washington Post is being criticized for running a story that normalizes suicide. The story features a man who helped his 99-year-old father starve and dehydrate himself to death because he would rather die than go into an assisted living facility. The man was...

Mass Shootings

After a recent string of mass shootings there are new calls for more gun control laws, including by Pres. Biden. In Colorado and Virginia—gunmen have gone on shooting sprees and taken innocent lives. In Colorado, a man killed five people at a gay nightclub. In...

Protests break out about China’s zero Covid policy

Protests are breaking out all across China over the strict Covid policies. Protestors, largely made up of students and a younger generation, are also decrying censorship and authoritarian control by the Communist Party. Some protestors are holding up blank pieces of...

Congress Uncovers Massive Fraud in Covid Relief

The U.S. Congress recently discovered massive fraud in its Covid relief program. The Paycheck Protection Act provided 11 million potentially forgivable loans to small businesses so they could keep employees on the payroll through Covid lockdowns. This program cost...