Memorial Day 2024

Today, we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. Memorial Day began just after the Civil War ended, and our nation began the healing process from the bloodiest war in history that left some 600,000 dead. We also remember the soldiers...

Ky Attorney General Coleman challenges Biden power plant rules

Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman is standing against the Biden Administration’s new rules that restrict coal and gas-fired power plants. These federal rules would force the commonwealth to drastically change its sources of energy. Kentucky’s electric...

Is abortion religious freedom?

Three Jewish women are challenging Kentucky’s abortion ban in the Jefferson County Circuit Court. They claim that legal protections for the unborn violates their Jewish belief that life begins at birth, not conception. The beginning of human life isn’t a sectarian...

The Anxious Generation

Many prominent authors and researchers are writing about the mental health challenges of Generation Z. They’re linking it to the changing media ecology in which these kids have grown up, namely social media and smartphone usage. Jonathan Haidt has identified an...

2024 Primary Election Day

Today is primary election day in Kentucky. Voters will go to the polls to vote for candidates vying for elected offices on the ballot. All Kentucky House seats and half of the Kentucky Senate seats are on the ballot, with many contested primaries. There are also...

Boy Scouts Name Change

The Boy Scouts are changing their name to Scouting America. And the organization has been on a path of changing its identity for well over a decade, starting with openly homosexual scoutmasters and then allowing girls into their ranks in 2019. The name change reflects...

Politics that leads to flourishing

Moral and social issues have been debated this election season and this give Christians an opportunity to speak to them. Some will avoid conversations about the issues, but people are still trying to find answers to the big questions of the day. What is the just and...

Early Voting Starts Today

Today is the first day of early voting for the primary election in Kentucky. Voters will go to the polls to vote for candidates vying for state House, state Senate, and Congress. A few local races may be on the ballot in your area as well. There are contested...