Christmas Eve

Christmas has to be one of the most anticipated holidays, especially for kids. All the presents under the lighted Christmas tree; the smells, the carols, and good food on the table. But while we all enjoy the material blessings, the most important Christmas gift is...

Beshear Reorganizes Kentucky Board of Education

Gov. Andy Beshear’s removal of the Kentucky State Board of Education has drawn a lawsuit. Ten of eleven members filed in court and argue that Gov. Beshear overstepped his bounds. The governor said that he “reorganized the state board of education and...

2nd Amendment Sanctuary Cities in VA?

You’ve heard about sanctuary cities—usually larger cities that have passed laws saying they won’t work with federal authorities to deport illegal immigrants. Now there’s a move to protect Second Amendment rights in conservative communities. Call them...

Tennessee Governor Calls for Prayer and Fasting

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee is under fire for living out his Christian faith as governor. Lee recently declared a statewide day of prayer and fasting because he believes God answers prayers. Lee said he prays that Tennessee will overcome the drug epidemic, doesn’t...

Fairness for All Act Introduced

The Fairness for All Act (FFA) was recently introduced by Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah). The bill would make sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) protected classes under the federal Civil Rights Act. The bill attempts to balance religious freedom with LGBT...

Protecting Life in the KY Gen. Assembly

The Kentucky General Assembly will take up a Constitutional Amendment that says that nowhere does the Kentucky Constitution convey that abortion is a protected right. Joe Fischer, a Republican State Representative from Northern Kentucky is sponsoring the bill. The...


Mandatory ultrasounds will remain the law of the land in Kentucky and three other states. This is because the U.S. Supreme Court denied the ACLU’s challenge of Kentucky’s ultrasound law. The law passed the General Assembly in 2017 and requires abortionists...


Ever wonder what happens when you can’t pay your pension obligations? We’ve talked about that issue frequently on the Commonwealth Minute, but a recent example hits close to home. McClatchy news group, which owns newspapers across the nation, including the...


A popular Bible app in China called WeDevote has over 10 million users, but it was recently banned. This is part of China’s disturbing trend of religious intolerance. Last year the communist government banned the online sale of Bibles. According to a religious...


One of the most influential and powerful positions in Kentucky government is the Secretary of Transportation. This is because they have incredible input as to road and bridge projects that total into the billions of dollars every year. Now, top Republicans in the...


According to a recent Gallup survey, Americans plan to spend an average of $942 on Christmas presents. It’s shaping up to be a record year for retailers but often the pressure to give the perfect gift leaves shoppers frazzled. It’s funny how holiday...

Debt Relief for Students

Student Debt is weighing down college graduates, including those who don’t complete their degree. Last year, the average college graduate owed about $29,200.  Sen. Rand Paul is proposing federal legislation that would bring relief. His bill would allow families...


A number of Kentucky cities have recently passed Fairness Laws that protect LGBT status under local laws. But a newly filed lawsuit in Federal District court against Louisville’s Fairness ordinance may roll back the trend. Louisville photographer Chelsey Nelson...


After a seven-year legal battle, Lexington graphic artist Blaine Adamson won a case that affirmed his First Amendment freedoms of speech. Adamson was ordered by the Lexington Human Rights Commission to undergo diversity training because he refused to print T-shirts...

Moving Away from Tribalism

We’re as politically divided as ever before and our interactions often end up divisive arguments. So how do we rise above an unhealthy tribalism that’s reduced us to the sum of our political opinions? Start by recognizing that your political opponent is...


It’s only 22 days until Christmas and if you haven’t finished your Christmas shopping, well, I don’t envy you; especially if you plan to brave the local mall. Christmas has unfortunately become grossly commercialized and we often miss the reason for...


After learning that a newspaper mistakenly printed his obituary, Mark Twain famously quipped: “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” Such is the case for those who see the election of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andy Beshear as a bellwether for how...

Being a Good Sport

UK basketball is king of sports in the Bluegrass, and as the Wildcats suffered an upset at Rupp and dropped from their number one ranking in the polls, we should beware that our enthusiasm for the Wildcats doesn’t consume us.  The idol of winning at the expense...

Happy Thanksgiving!

In 1621, the pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving and thanked God for bringing them through a hard winter. In 1789 President Washington issued a Thanksgiving proclamation “for affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for...

Day Before Thanksgiving

Millions of Americans will be traveling this Thanksgiving. But imagine making a long, uncomfortable trip and when you arrived at your destination, you had no place to stay? That’s the story of the Pilgrims and their voyage on the Mayflower nearly 400 years ago....